anyone have any suggestions for poetry/songs/words/quotes for our marriage celebration? furthermore, how about any suggestions for the actual ceremony itself? anything you'd like to see that you think represents darin and i well? i am open to ideas right now as i try to envision what will actually take place on june 30. looking at "wedding ideas" online, even if i add the words: cultural, creative, unique, homemade, very frustrating because it always comes back to companies trying to sell generic stuff. when what i want is real ideas of stuff i can make myself, or things that don't cost money.
so i got my rain today! i have been home all day except for a quick jaunt to del taco with mom and darin. weird. all the cats are gathered round and music plays and i've been sorting through all the junk/crazy stuff in my craft room closet. it's a cozy day. but i miss school, and i miss esoteric conversations with artists and wild dreamers, and i miss drinking wine with friends and dancing and hearing live music.
hooray for joey's show next week! by the way, he got mad at mom for even speaking the word "blog," and i must admit it is a pretty dumb word. but as of now i haven't thought of a good alternative.
one more tidbit: a movie you all need to see is called THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP. directed by michel gondry, the guy who did Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, this one crosses language/relationship/dream/wakening/life/work/play boundaries and is so fun to watch and beautiful and quirky and lovely. you can rent it at blockbuster.
comments welcome. you guys never comment for me!!!!
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
I'm glad you got your rain, we certainly did here too - I had to change pants and shoes halfway through the day because I was so wet. Um, I was just thinking today how much I wish there was a Del Taco in Santa Cruz. You guys are truly blessed - I am dead-sick of the ol' same stuff here, and cannot WAIT for a food break into something different! Anyway, happy Thursday. Tomorrow I'm going shopping for my grad school audition clothes, ha! See you soon lovely, and y'all. Smells like summer somewhere else.
Hey Heather, I love it that you're so full of life and ready to love everything. It sounds so lovely being home with the kittys on a rainy day. Blog, Smlog, Joey doesn't read them anyway. Wish he did, I miss him and he's still here, love you
Hi. Whatever you do, do not got to It is the least indie thing around. I only looked at it for a few minutes, before I realized it must have been made by a 38 year old who still thinks she's breaking tradition by only having a 10,000$ budget. Bleah! I like your idea of having us help with words, ideas, songs. Speaking of which, I still have one to write for you.
Hi Heather, My mind is going wild with soo many cute ideas for your wedding. I know its just going to be perfect! So it sounds like maybe some rain is heading my way-Great we love to splash around in our rain boots. Sounds like a hoilday. Love you! oh ya, Did I already tell you we got your package? Well, we loved it. Thank you so much. I thought of keeping the 20 for valentines day, but in the end, I wanted it more for bunk beds and Orion. It pleases me so much to watch my funds grow right before my very eyes.
Okay Heather I know that I know of some sweet words by some sweet poets only right now I'm not remembering anything, so I'm gonna go pull out some notes and anthologies and get back to you.
Are you welcome to write our own? Do you care? I'd like to contribute I think.
Hi, I talked to a lady at my work today who works in a flower shop, she says they pull off 8 or 10 outer petals from the roses and toss them, she said just go to your favorite local florist and buddy them up sometime before the wedding and offer to pay a small sum for any or all stray petals and they will probably keep them in zip lock bags for you in their fridge. Wouldn't hurt to try and then you'll have flower petals to scatter around...
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