Hi everybody! Heather, I am about to read your post, but I just had to get this one up first! I hear that Susan at your work is getting brain surgery? Crazy! And Deena is having some health issues that are pretty serious too? Geez. I told your coworker ( I forget her name.... freckles, skinny, dark hair, I know her from a long time ago...) that if you guys need an emergency server I will sign on. I saw her at Starbuck's yesterday.
Anyways I wanted to post a link to this page I was just reading about almonds. Seems they are the healthiest nut and can stop everything from cancer to arteries clogging. And the trees they come from are beautiful! http://www.answers.com/topic/almond
Hi Mom, thanks for calling me this morning. You don't have to be sad, barely ever, unless its the kind that feels good because you are so glad you have lived a beautiful life and have been blessed to know and be touched by (and give birth to!) amazing people with kind hearts. Those kinds of tears, the grateful ones, are the only kind I like anymore. They seem quite necessary actually. It feels so good to be so full of gratefullness and amazement of beautiful life and its people that tears must come out. See, the old days may seem sweet to you, but you need to know how sweet these VERY days NOW are. And later you will remember all these moments and think they were so great, but you should not miss them so. You need to remember that the days gone by won't compare to the happiness of the days still to come. I mean that. The best years of your life are never over, because they just get better and better til you die, which I believe, is a person's moment of glory. A celebration. Of course, that's my optimism at its best. And my christian mystic coming out!
To end my little bloggidy blog, here is one of my favorite quotes. It is by Henry Miller, and for me it was an acquired taste to have it be my favorite quote. In the old days it was really hard for me to forget myself and all my make-up and girliness, but these days, I know what Mister Henry means. The world around us is rich for us, full of hungry and needy souls who need our smiles, full of stories, legends and little lights, full of faith, religions, belief systems, cultures, unique people(all fascinating!) and full of each new day. Kind of like Groundhog Day, the movie!!!
"Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself." h.m.
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
i love this quote addie. whenever anyone asks me what is my favorite quote, since i was about eighteen i say "be always ecstatic. be filled with a divine intoxication." henry miller. by the way i have no idea who you are talking about from my work. trina? she is about my age? anyway i like your 'tude, dude.
by the way ade, susan didn't cry until she told us they are going to shave her head for the surgery. poor little cutie.
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