i have the cutest cat on earth; i call her "beans." that came from her name being daphne, then daphnerbina, then beany or beany-jane (cause her real name is daphne jane) and even bean or jelly bean or buggy-dune. here's what she does: she runs up to all the grown up cats to try to play with them and they growl at her and she rolls over, smiling and being cute, but they never get it...that she is just trying to play and not fight! every time i sit down at the computer to type she enters the room and comes over to rub against my leg a few times. she is not a lap cat but she has her ways of showing her unending devotion to me. when i am going pee she comes flying into the bathroom, only to slow down and saunter in breathlessly as if to say, okay, okay, i'm here, where's the party?
sorry guys, i know, it's a little ridiculous. in other news: so i went through my garage today.
who in this family doesn't have stuff in this garage? one person, well two. MATT and DAD. even amy has an old bed here (i think??) it is sort of fun to see everyone's old treasures, like empty video game boxes (???) and think, why?
gotta go jump start my car. love all.
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
Heather those treasures you've unearthed are PRICELESS! Please oh please don't hurt those precious gems of still-applicable importance. Those video game boxes are tied-in vitally to the closest strings of my heart - Heart Matters, well there you've certainly found some. I could spend hours glowing over those beautiful pieces of life and art. Save them, SAVE them.
Seems you've found some Heart Matters. I like that term.
You should have had some of my amazing pastacular (pasta) dinner from last night's potluck at Alanna's, which I just ate leftovers of, from which I am now heartily warm and satisfied.
I love your description of dapherbeana, what a little darling cutie, I'm so glad you have her! Thank you for holding on to our memories in your storage. Too many times in my life have I disdainly disposed of something only to deeply regret it later - even the pound puppies - but I am getting better about weeding out some stuff, you have to when you move as much as I have...
I can't believe I don't have anything in that garage. I'm going to plant something next time I'm there.
Matt that's creepy
Weird. I guess it is. Just wait till you see what.
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