Thursday, February 8, 2007

old family recipes

I forgot to tell all who didn't get to have any, that I made the old favorite Texas Hash this week but instead of ground beef, I used Boca crumbles made from soy. It turned out great, really good actually, it brought back fond memories of family times and dinners long past. Heather and Joey especially loved it. Those soy crumbles are great and I think we can also make a fine replica of the old Taco feeds we used to have. Mikie, you'd be proud and Matt there was no green pepper to be found in it!

That recipe came from Grandma Nelle, Grandma Cherie's mom, who was born and raised in Waco Texas. Family - there's nothing in the world like it. Family grounds us and gives us our heritage and defines who we are and from whence we came. It is what life is all about. I'm so
grateful for mine.Love you all Mom


AdieSpringB said...

love you too marmy.

heather said...

mom, i was thinking about how two of my very favorite foods are from TEXAS! texas hash and texas chocolate fudge cake. are both from grandma nelle? i want to research this and see if there are other good "texas" recipes...we could have a texas party. debby would love that. she is so proud to be from texas, the lonestar state. anyway i agree about family and it is cool to honor our great grandmothers by cooking their delicious recipes! love you, heather.

mattbeatty said...

Wow I may get over my old fear of Texas hash with this new recipe. At least it makes me more inclined to want it! Sounds good to me.