Trying out new Christmas presents:

Especially homemade ones!

and musical instruments:

And trying out favorite new shoes:

And my beautiful new rug!

Wearing cute aprons:

Taking family portraits:

And hanging out with cats:

Watching it snow:

Being dorks with the fam:

Hanging out with Jarom:

Hanging out with Oey:

Hanging out with Bella:

Hanging out with Mom:

And hanging out with Dad!
yippity yeah! This was the best Christmas ever! Love, love, that about 90% of the gifts I got were homemade or used. Jarom looks like he should be peter pan in a play. Love Em's and Bell's beautiful bright eyes. All the family group pictures deserve some kind of an award. The newest beatty clan- being Em, Joe and Bandini, with Harvest in spirit takes the cake of sweetest. It just warms your heart. And by far the kids all waving to the camera, number 1 dorky love. You just got to love it! When I first looked at this blog and saw Arty trying on his vest, I just knew that would be the best picture of the blog but, boy was I wrong. They are all equally amazing in their own ways. I misssss YOU all so much. You all make my mind feel light with giddiness. I don't know how we survive. Adie and Heather, we are so ready to make some more crazy memories, and anyone else who wants to come- Please DO! Love you all. And good night. The good night part is for you who saw the button movie. You know it says a lot more than just good night! xoxoxo
More christmas goodness! I love looking back at these photos, even though it was only like three weeks ago, and reminiscing. oh sweetness
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