I have been blessed like no other, for I have received the gift of the last three months of my life. Our sweet kitten, little Harvest Moon, died tonite, cuddled in a blanket, on me and Emily's bed (her very favorite place), alongside me and her brother Bandini. Unfortunately Emily is in Berkeley, but me and Heather and Darin all got to spend some time with her before she died. She had a rough time the last few hours, but she died knowing that every moment of her life since the second we took her home has been filled with nothing but real true happy love. I will miss her so immensely. It is so hard. I keep looking around my room and losing it. We should all be so thankful for our bodies, born functional and healthy. She was such a perfect little creature, such an innocent, beautiful soul, and so good-natured about dealing with her problems. I will miss her so much. Goodbye, sweet Harvest Moon, my little Moonshadow. Moonshadow, Moonshadow, thank you for all you gave.
joey i am so sorry for you and all of us because we are going to miss her so much and i can't think about it without crying. i am so glad you were right there with her peacefully and warmly sleeping together. we will never forget her.
Joey and Emily, what a precious little gift Harvest was to all of us. We were so blessed with her little warm body and soul. I will miss her so much. I loved how she always came to greet me when I came over and also whenever I left she didn't want me to go. What a little gift of sunshine. I can just see her now hopping about in the grass or enjoying the warm sun outside. Playing and loving all the other kitties. You both took such good care of her. You were a blessing to her and gave her such a happy loving home. Thank you for taking her in and never questioning the fact that she was yours and you both were hers. I love you both and will never forget that sweet little darling kitty. The cutest one I've ever seen. Love you, Mom
I can't believe how sad this is. I didn't even know. I never got to meet her. But I'm picturing her and her sweetness, and all the love you guys describe, and it's both heartbreaking and miraculous at the same time. I know how sad this can be. It's funny how much love we can have for our pets. Our little fish Nemo broke my heart when he died. It was so awful! And he was just a goldfish (a gold fish), with less interaction than your sweet Harvest. Anyway, it'll be sad, but I know (we all know) that more happiness than sadness came from her life and her death. You are all amazing for taking care of her the way you did, for unquestioningly showing such love, bringing her into your home and taking care of her special needs each and every day. I love you guys too.
oh beautiful little Harvest. Truly an angel, seriously. What other kitten is so kind and calm and perfect when you bring them home at 4 weeks. She is a wise old soul, and one could see that in her eyes. I will miss that baby alot, she seriously had a big chunk in my heart. Maybe I should have come over last night after work, but I just didn't want to see her so sad. I love thinking of her leaping, so very spryly, up the kitchen counter and over to the stove where it was warm. Straight into the frying pan. I need those frying pan pics.....so adorable beyond belief.
It is so wonderful how a little soul that started out in pain brought love and laughter and sweetness to the whole household. She lived beyond her pain and was just a plain old joy. We seriously should not take our very healthy, functioning bodies for granted. They are a gift and they are temporary. Just as Harvest's braveness and sweet heart were, but she is now in a place where her soul is in peace.
goodbye harvest
i love you. you were an angel
and you gave me so much hope and joy while you were here. I will miss the peace your brought into our lives for the short time that we were able to know you. I love you. and thank you Joey and Emily and everybody for being the kindest people I have ever known. You saved a life, and I think there's no greater gift that can be given. I just cried all over this public computer's keyboard.
Little sweet Harvest. I only got to enjoy her through these blogs. The kids and I love loved the video of her to pieces, we even showed some friends. She was just the cutest thing ever. I'm happy she is happy and whole now. My heart goes out to you and emily. I know how much you guys just loved and adored her. You two gave her all her love and comfort, I'm sure she would have left this life sooner if it wasn't for the sweet, comfort she got from having a family. Love you xo. Harvest will go down in history as the cutest little love muffin ever.
Well, I just found out today about little Harvest. I am so sad but I know that she is not suffering anymore and I have faith that her little kitty spirit is full of joy. None of us will probably ever experience a little kitty life form in diapers again, will we. Joey and Emily, you two went all the way for her and I am proud of you. You guys are wonderful loving hearts. I also am faithful that Harvest looks down on you and smiles for her role in your growth and joy.
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