Hey everybody!
Matt and Mikie have both put large quantities of photos on Flickr in the last 24 hours. Which means it's that time again to go check out all of the lovely photographs and leave a response or two!
(this is me being a little bit perturbed that when I took the chance to impress you with some fine photographs I've been taking, Matt's Amazing Family Life yet again usurps his brother with an immediate upload of 500 incredible photos, instantly following mine, all of higher quality and cooler doings. So instead of being sad that my mediocre pictures have suddenly disappeared, I say to you all, "Look at ALL of them!" Which is what I'm about to do, as I longingly admire the life of our sibling MATT and his ridiculously cool family. That is all. Fare the well.)
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Hurray!! I was just looking at the pictures a couple days ago and they were all old but that didn't stop me( they never really get old). Glad to look through all the new ones!
Mikie, I had no idea you were uploading some too! I only did so because I had just uploaded those photos to my flickr account, and I usually do both so they're easily categorized and available. That's actually very strange timing to tell you the truth.
I wasn't trying to one-up you, just so you know. Yesterday (before I started uploading, which was last night), the most recent ones I saw up there were of cats! Not a Mikie to be found. So I'll go check yours out now foo.
Hey, did you tag your photos with taken-by-mikie? You should. That way I (and others) could search for the newest ones rather easily!
Never fear! I just added that tag to the photos!
sweetness! Thank you chew. i'll start doing that.
hey i check constantly too, and i kept seeing addie's cats...so i'm with you mattie. anyway i am stoked to go look and relentlessly procrastinate schoolwork AGAIN for a few hours!
wait, I want a full guitar I've been informed. crap
mikie just commented that he wants a full guitar now, not a 3/4, on the wrong blog entry.
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