Ok my fellow sojourners. Here's the skinny.
I may have spent a good deal of time yesterday staring at the ocean through a large pane of glass in the afternoon sun, thinking about Christmas...presents.
Yes, presents.
NOW, I know that last year I may have caused a sort of ruckus with a similar blog, but nevertheless I'm going to request from each and every one of you to do this: Please Comment on this blog with a short list of your Beattymas Wishes. What presents do YOU want for Christmas? Who's to say that any of us are going to get any one thing at all, but you know what? At least it's hecka fun to make wishes. I love imagining things. So let's imagine a list of things we wish we had. I'll go first
Mikie's Wish List:
1 - a new 3/4-size guitar
2 - a Microphone to record with.
3 - a particular painting by Zac
4 - a full-time passionate job
5 - Trader Joe's Gift Card
6 - an EndoBoard
7 - any kind of board
8 - guitar lessons
9 - Snowboarding season pass to anywhere
11 - any and all musical instruments
12 - a video camera
13 - a professional digital camera
14 - a thru-the-lens B&W Camera
15 - A laptop.
16 - An iPhone
17 - A Subaru Outback
ok obviously this is getting a little out of hand. Well, maybe a couple more
18 - Total Student Loan Relief
19 - Admittance to the graduate program of my choice
20 - Full-ride financial aid scholarship for that program
21 - Acting opportunities
22 - A trip to Egypt to see the Pyramids
23 - A new (or used) cell phone
Fine fine that's enough. Now its your turn.
Thank you guys!

i already told mom, dad, and darin some ideas of things i'd like but i will write them here because you are so cute mikie.
1. the movies clueless and juno
2. books
3. Kings of Leon cd, Bon Iver cd
4. Apples to Apples or another game
5. digital photo printer?
6. homemade jewelry?
it is my plan to get everyone one thing, so this list will be helpful. i know no one wants to accumulate stuff anymore, and, reading Thoreau lately, i couldn't agree more. and yet i am still excited about christmas shopping and wrapping, presents under the tree and imagining the kids all excited and so forth. it's a dilemma!
i wish i had more time to make homemade stuff but this year i simply don't. so i might be supporting etsy.com quite a bit!
love you all and i hope the holidays and perfectly festive so far for all of us.
I have a cousin who sells her stuff on etsy.
Me and the Kids don't need a thing. But I know it wouldn't be Christmas without some gift giving so here are some ideas.
jarom and bella love making crafts, so paper, glue, tape, buttons, stickers, craft books they love them.
Jarom would love a maze, homemade ones only please!A basket for his bike. A homemade cd of scary songs.
Orion likes toothbrushes and toothpaste. And as of yesterday, melmo- that's how he says it.
Bella says she wants a china dress, anyone up to making one of those, I didn't think so. She would love a cd of Disney princess songs- can that be homemade. As for me I would love a copy, if any one has this, the Momma Mia sound track- burned, not in the fire but for me. And of course I always love socks, tights and gum.
I am all for a homemade Christmas this year...but, if I HAD to....here's what I would like.
1.A Nanoverb (don't ask this one is up to Arth)
2.Taylor Swift's new album Fearless
3.Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Face Cream SPF 55 (this one is expensive so if I don't get it from someone, I shall purchase meself!)
4. A new compact and makeup to cover my forehead spots?
5. seeds to grow medicinal flowers and herbs like echinacea, comfrey, calendula, etc.....
6. the movie Wristcutters: A Love Story
So....these are things i want and plan on getting at some point, but since it's Christmas season I posted them, and if I don't get them for Christmas I shall go about getting them later! I would gladly take a completely heartworn Christmas of crafts, family home videos, mixed CDs, and next year's camping plans! I don't NEED anything but some serious laughter and joy.
mikie, so apparently my old 3/4 guitar isnt good enough hmmmmm?!?!?!?! death to smoochy. just kidding i know its far from good enough.
heres some stuff that if i owned i would feel joy.
(first off, anything to do with my sweet long lost darling Harvest would be very nice)
1) 1 or 2 quarter inch guitar cables, 20 feet or so.
2) some new headphones for recording, semi-nice.
3) film for my polaroid camera
4) some sweet guitar pedals, Danelectro makes some cheap ones. a tremolo or a fuzz or some kinda loop would be cool.
5) new guitar strings, acoustic and electric (Martin for acoustic, Ernie Ball Slinkys for electric)
6) money for a new tattoo. itll be 60-80 bucks so that ones probably out.
7) this cd: someone still loves you boris yeltsin - pershing
8) the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford, DVD
9) a sweet melodica
10) any other instruments at all
11) ANY cormac mccarthy books, other than these: the road, all the pretty horses, no country for old men, blood meridian
12) tons of homemade stuff.
also i wouldnt mind a signed photograph of elijah wood.
love josiph
size: 11s, for electric guitar strings.
Darin says these are things he wants (this might be irrelevant for all but me, but i think it's cute that he wants to put one so here it is):
Kenneth Anger Vol 2 DVD
Karl Blau cds
Neil Young Sugar Mountain Live CD
guitar pedal boss fdr1
OR gift certificate to guitar center
size 9 chuck taylors, black
Triumph of the Moon (book)
Cormac McCarthy's Cities of the Plains
strange thrift store items
thanks and merry christmas!
Here's my quick list. Sorry so late.
1) Polaroid 600 film (stole your idea Joey)
2) harmonica holder
3) slippers, moccasin style with a good wearable sole
4) some books I would like: Sandstone Spine, by David Roberts; Bound for Glory, by Woodie Guthrie; The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons, by John Wesley Powell; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey; Cadillac Desert, by Mark Reisner; Gravity's Rainbow, by Thomas Pynchon; Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce; other books by Henry Miller, Chuck Palahniuk, Bukowski, etc.
5) some nice cds: Beirut: Gulag Orkestar; Of Montreal: Skeletal Lamping; Into the Wild soundtrack (Eddie Vedder); and so on.
6) a money clip like the cool Indian one Adie got me last year that I lost this year and loved
Sorry. Not very creative for now, but you all know good things for me.
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