OK, now that school has indeed started, i just want to make something clear:
i am also an academic.
no matter what i try to think during the summer. i am now BACK IN SCHOOL.
that means many things. for one, i am doing two internships in teaching literature. which means, in fact, that i must remember, i am PASSIONATE about schooling.
i am proud to say that i am semi teacher to a large group of students and so far they are responding well. is it because i am a beatty??? is it because i have great stories of my summer??? i have no idea. but it is a cultural studies class and i do love to study the effects of culture, in its many forms, on the individual. there are some rad students in here and we are talking about seriously fascinating stuff. i can never downplay the importance and funness (is that a word, no?!) of school. academia. i'm talking higher education. and it does serve its multi-functional purpose, no matter what my doubts are. and there is no denying that, after a summer like this, i do have my SERIOUS DOUBTS. but anyway, for now, i am back in school and loving it, is whatever that comes down to.
thanks to you all, my tribe,for being the basis of confidence and sweetness that i bring to these situations.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
heather - tribal love I share with you. I myself have started up in school again, full time actually at Cabrillo taking British Literature, American Literature, Economics and intermediate Improvisation. In brief, I have been reinvigorated by the load and feel so dam* excited about going back to school. In less than a week I have begun putting together a realistic future for myself regarding graduate work and teaching/acting. Most importantly, I could sit around a classroom and shoot the sh*t about Beowulf and macroeconomics forever. Seriously. my passion for school is as is yours. I never really felt this in all my time down south or otherwise - there's something rewarding that comes from studying and researching that you don't get from simply making money for the sake of money. Anyhoo, what internships are you doing?
All I have to say is " I don't want to go to school! I haven't done my work!' Good luck my dear!! xoxoxo
Nice quote Amy. I can't believe I had almost completely forgotten about that. And I share the tribal love too!
Good for you Heather. You're a funloving, true and real member of the academic intelligentsia! Team Higher Education.
Mikie I love the thought you're putting in graduate studies and school. School's great, sometimes undervalued in its goodness and wholesomeness. Beowulf's one of my passions too. Not the recent movie as much.
sorry guys, i wrote this after a few glasses of wine.
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