Sarah Palin:
1. Totally supports offshore drilling in some of the most beautiful and preserved places in our country.
2. Totally supports oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. She argues that it is such a small region of acreage in such a large expanse of land, and that it is so very far from the nearest that, to Governor Palin, justifies extreme ecologic destruction of the pristine area.
3. Claims that Polar bears are far from endangered, that they are in fact thriving. That their population has grown in the last thirty years. She is SUING the federal government for putting them on the endangered species list. Advanced protection of this beautiful animal would hinder her goals to "DRILL, BABY, DRILL!" all over alaska. In order to ensure "Energy Independence."
4. She at one point claimed that man had nothing to do with global warming. That it is not a result of many of our actions as the ever-indulgent, wasteful, and selfish human race. She now claims, after increased questioning and pressure on the issue, that man may have slightly contributed to the problem, but really, its just the natural way of our planet.
5. She signed to legalize aerial hunting of arctic wolves. She even offered a reward for each kill. To make things easier for Big Oil.
6. She is attempting to sway John McCain on her position regarding ANWR. She says she is "working on him."
7. She initially supported a multi-million dollar project to build a bridge to a small island off the coast of Alaska. The issue became a bit of a national embarassment, and she changed her position. She now claims that she was never in full support of the project, even before congress refused to fund it.
John McCain seems to almost have disappeared behind the shroud of excitement over the two-year governor of Alaska whom he chose as his Vice Presidential candidate. Before she served her two years, she was the mayor of small town Wasilla....and they call Obama inexperienced? Issues need to be examined here. John McCain, sensing a weakness in his campaign, chose this fiery young lady as his running mate, simply because of the appeal she would draw. Palin can FEEL for us Americans, RIGHT? shes just like US, RIGHT? Oh and we can feel for HER, cant we?! She has a pregnant 17 year old daughter, a son who conveniently left for Iraq on Sept. 11th of THIS ELECTION (we're still sending kids to Iraq? is this a joke?), and a four month old baby with downs syndrome. Sarah palin is JUST LIKE US, right? hmm...
please everybody just vote for Obama. If you're thinking you're in any way swayed toward McCain, please, just think for a second. Think. ACTUALLY think. Please
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Joey, I love how you wrote this! Did you by chance see SNL the other night? You would have loved Tina Fay as Sarah Palin. Still makes me chuckle thinking about it. Hey- is her baby really downs syndrome? I don't understand why she even wants this job. She would never be able to be with her young family who seems to really need more of her time. I feel really bad for her kids. Can't wait to see you and your lovelier side xoxo
this is so scary. seriously. you forgot to mention that she wants to HUNT polar bears. personally! the super scary thing is, it wouldn't surprise if america elected her (mccain? yeah right) just because she's hot and looks like she should be on a white trash television reality show.
Joey, don't kill me, but because I actually kind of a tiny bit LIKE McCain, I was, I will have to admit, swayed. But only swayed. Mind you, I am an absolute liberal person as you well know. But, it seems Obama has stooped to a lower level in his campaign than in his initial Primaries Campaign, where he just spoke more about hope and seemed more confident that he would just be what he set out to be The Winner! Now he seemes to be a bit more on the slashing sides and a little bit too nervous about Palin and I really really hope he just redeems his campaign by dropping the bullshite and promoting himself as a winner. Also, quite unfortunately, I think he made a poor VP decision. Not as an actual Vice President candidate, nor as a person, but as a winning ticket to Presidency. I cannot understand why he didn't get Hilary. NOW THAT would have kicked out Palin in a hot second.
NO matter what, thank you for enlightening me on Palin's absolute foolish ignoramai. Obviously she has let her own desires for what whe WANTS things to be affect her thinking more than the thousands of scientists working day in and day out on such issues, bringing home the criteria and the data that puts her way behind the facts.
Obama needs friends like you Joey.
i wont kill you aide, for liking good old, old, old, old jonny boy. but, you must think, this is the most intense and important election this country has ever seen. and politics are dirty, they always have been, and they always will be. it is a sad truth, but it is true. and we must deal with that when observing our politicians, we must keep it in mind. i truly beleive that it is sadly almost necessary for obama to stoop to SOME level at least, because essentially that is what campaigning IS. dont get me wrong, i think thats horrible, but even in the best and most honest politicians, corruption AT LEAST in campaigning is a bit of an inevitable aspect. ANd I think Joe Biden is rad, I think that if obama had chosen hilary, he almost would have been stooping to the level youre talking about. ya know? almost backing up a bit. anyways, obama's got good friends like me AND you. and arthur and emma and all of us all. best see some happiness finally come from a november. YOULL be living here!
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