I feel so bad. Here it is 11:53 at night and I never got to talk to you and wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope you had a extra little skip to your walk today and felt special. You have NO idea how much we love you. The kids went to bed late, but they are all wrapped up tight in their new Nana Niceys. They love them more anything. The other the day I was desperately trying to get the house clean in a hurry and every time I turned around Bella's new blanket would be back in the living room. In too much of a hurry to say "Who got this out again?", I would just quickly pick it up and throw it on her bed, just to see it again back in the living room. Finally Bella asks"Who keeps putting my nicey away?". I wish I had it in me to go in their room and sneak a picture of them for you. But I'm too tired and afraid to wake them up. I can't go to sleep till I say Happy Birthday to you though. I love you Nana. And I'm so happy you found such a cute place to live, that is so close to the rest of the family. I can already picture how cute and comfy it is going to be in there for Christmas. Sad to think that that will be the first time we will be able to come visit you in your new home. But then again, you never know. We are Beattys. A few pictures from this week. And don't worry Nana, I have not forgotten the one thing you have asked of me. We haven't done it yet. But Hopefully we will get one done this weekend so you can have it by next week.

Oey and Jarom in a little village all decked out for Halloween and look what we find, a Halloween a cat. It even followed us into the bathroom. This little cat, his name is snowball, actually lives where the kids and I got Addie's little b-day gift.

jarom, today he told me that he is use to school now. this is a big break through for us.

Oey, the little guy always breaks my heart. This was just the other day, but he loves to climb up on the big chairs and eat like a big kid. It gives him so much pleasure, it is just way too cute to watch and then he eats whats left on the table. Not so cute. Notice his new outfit from addie and art. he loves all of his new shoes, you can just tell by the way he walks with his great big smile, and he is always looking down at them. I think he feels pretty special.

This was yesterday at story time. Oey had to climb in the books. he even sat in one of those little holes and read. Again- compliments to Addie and Art for the clothes.

Today, Bella and Oey making a cake. Oey only wanted one thing - frosting. So he got it. Do you think he is spoiled?
I'm wishing you a happy birthday. Love YOU!!!!!!!!! and miss YOU! love, amy
oh momma, having grandchildren this cute must be the best gift of all. seriously, a kid that cute needs to get all the frosting he wants, whenever he wants. hooray for jarom feeling okay with school, for oey climbing into book nooks, and for bella baking cakes! a whole buncha beatty fun and i can't wait to see you guys.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! dinner tomorrow night, and presents and such. i wish your birthday didn't fall on a thursday, it is my worst 14 hour day. but at least we got treats and a sneak peak office preview.
i love you, you are truly and forever the BEST.
Happy birthday Mom! I hope the celebration went well. You're the best and we all love you so much!
Amy thank you so so much for the lovely Birthday tribute, I love the pictures of the kids and even though your visit was short last weekend I have the best memories of holding Oey in my arms after he got all snuggly and ready for bed and having popcorn with the kids while we watched 64 Zoo Lane. Thank you so much for being the best momma ever for my precious grandbabies. I got some pretty cute Halloween shirts today so I'll get them in the mail right away. I love you too! Sorry it took so long for me to see your wonderful blog, you are an angel!!
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