how lovely to be together as a family supporting our favorite little zack/rebecca combo. i will personally thank matt and amy for coming out from utah, all the way to silver lake and then back to p'ville and also for helping with the amazon order of our gift. you guys are awesome and i miss you already and i hope your drive home went okay.
dad, thanks for the use of your camera, that was a real lifesaver for me.
and mom, you did well being upbeat despite your house concerns. by the way, congrats on the cutey new home! we are so excited for you and i know you will make it absolutely comfy and adorable. can't wait to see you work your magic.
some of my personal favorite moments from the wedding day/night include but are not limited to:
- watching zack get DOWN to "girls just wanna have fun"
- watching zack get DOWN to "girls just wanna have fun"
- mikie, jamie, travis and kent doing the marriage RAP
- jarom blowing bubbles with his mouth and people running up to matt and amy and exclaiming, um, excuse me, i think your son is eating bubbles and it is frothing all down his chin! and matt and amy just smiling and nodding their acceptance of the sitch.
- jarom saying at the lake, "if nana's goin in, i'm goin in."
- nana going in.
- looking at beautiful pregnant mary in her wrap dress
- joey and emily's AWESOME dance moves
- watching amy gallop out onto the dance floor in her adorable outfit
- bella making sand-towers at the beach to the chagrin of all the boys
- witnessing the maher parents dancing every song
- finding out that our table-mate, josh, lived in the same house darin grew up in on fort jim road and now owns the property across the street with his sweet wife amber. our new friends!
- a preteen girl being so shy and starstruck by mikie that she ran and hid behind the curtains when he asked her to dance
- how beautiful and sweet it was to see zack and rebecca publicly expressing their love and devotion and considering the true meaning behind all the hoopla
- how beautiful and sweet all our family and friends were as we enjoyed just hanging out together
here are some of my favorite photos from the pangbroehrn weekend. i am not entirely sure if i am spelling that conjoined last name correctly, but it's a doozy.
i love that they are gazing at each other as they meticulously cut out zack's creation:
me being oh-so-helpful, of course:
what the????
"calmer'n you are..."
beatty ladies:
and our lucky men:
delicious dinner courtesy of magpie catering:
I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life, share my innermost thoughts, share my intimate details...
goofball dancing queen:
adie, what song was this???
Heather, this has got to be the best blog ever. I was dying with laughter. You really captured all the greatest moments. I love it!! Darin's favorite picture, How hot matt- my Matt looks. That is the greatest dance picture,Art and Emily look so awesome, too awesome to believe. I'm so happy we have added such great talent to our family. And I'm so glad Mikie and Mikies very own little sweet candy apple made it too. It was so nice to see you all. Please all come for Thanksgiving!!! I love you all soooooooooo much. You all make my life so grand!! Thank you xxoxoxo
What a lovely day it all was. I enjoyed so much being with everyone and loved babysitting the precious grandbabies that night. We had such fun together eating popcorn and watching cute shows and just hanging out with Candice and Mikie for a while. What a lovely weekend! Beautiful wedding and reception, way to go Zack and Rebecca!
I'm still caught off guard about at the reception when I thought Matt was some cute guy you were talking to, Heath.
What fun it was.
I want to visit M and C in SC soon.
yes we are going for sure!!! stanny too.
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