I found this online today. I was researching for anything about Walter Kirker Beatty and wondering about any Irish roots from Dad's side. I was listening to old irish folk songs and loving them and then I craved a Guinness so I was just wondering how Irish we are!
We are definitely of Irish or Scottish descent. I mean, the name Beatty for sure....
read how rad this is!
From a website
From the Celtic Biatach. Anciently, in Ireland, lands were assigned by the government to a certain number of persons who were appointed to keep houses of entertainment, and to exercise hospitality in the different provinces; they were called Biatachs. The office was considered honorable, and besides the lands assigned by the king, they were the lords of seven boroughs or villages, feeding seven herds of one hundred and twenty oxen each, besides the grain raised from seven ploughs every year. Beathaich, in the Gaelic, signifies to feed, nourish, to welcome, to support. "Beata mor," Irish, to have a great estate. Beatha, Gaelic, life, food, welcome, salutation."
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
YES! i knew i wasn't a born partyer and party-giver for nothing! it is in my blood, running rampant through my green irish blood. oh how i love the name walter by the way.
hey, how come this little cute tidbit only got one comment but our big political hoopla gets 16???
Funny how commenting works like that huh.
Well awesome research into this Adrienne! I love seeing what this strange name means. I mean, we all can't be blessed with a very obviouslynaturedescriptive last name like Spring or Tempest or Storm or something. I never was really into the name "Beatty." I was like, it's hard to pronounce, doesn't mean anything, just a weird sitting blob of a last name. I've grown more fond recently (it's like a seal or a coat of arms, it evokes history and beauty and a certain amount of family pride--the good kind), but this helps even more. There's meaning in everything I guess.
By the way I think a cute girl name is Moon. Someone should use it!
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