Saturday, September 27, 2008

please watch all of this

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin on Foreign Policy

Sarah Palin talks Bailout Proposal


mattbeatty said...

Sarah Palin bores me. The whole media blitz behind her is going to die, and soon. It's just a "big deal" that McCain picked her, and she has that appeal, but it was very calculated and political. He's a smart guy.

The religio-political stuff isn't anything new either. George W. Bush has been president for *8 years* and he had some pretty religious things to say, like in a debate in 2000, when asked his favorite philosopher, he answered "Christ. . . . When you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the Savior, it changes your heart. It changes your life. And that's what happened to me." That's a pretty religious thing to say. But it doesn't bother me all that much, because such a high majority of America *is* devoutly religious, you have to expect some of their religiosity to come through at some point. Otherwise they'd be disingenuous.

The other issue there is actually incorporating religion *into* politics. Separation of church and state. But Sarah Palin knows her people, what they like and what they respond to. She's a smart guy too.

heather said...

red headed sasquatch for jesus????? people are going to be interested in christ because of how YOU LOOK????!!! aggghhh!

this woman is all about looks. sadly, america loves that.

Joseph Beatty said...

well really mccain choosing palin is just a sick ploy. its sad how well its worked, but i agree, its going to die soon, and in fact it already has been dying. also, tho, mccain doesnt have much sass or appeal, or even much to say other than "obama has too little experience" or "oh my oh my i was a prisoner of war and i have BEEN THROUGH IT ALL" so he chose palin as a technique for gathering some extra excitement and fire into his campaign. but she really is quite stupid and uninformed. and how perfect is it that her new child has downs syndrome, her daughter is 17 and pregnant, and her oldest son so CONVENIENTLY headed to iraq on SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH of THIS YEAR. THIS YEAR. but anyways all this stuff has been analyzed and overanalyzed for the last month and everyones realized or is realizing her bullshit. anyways, she sucks.
i really do think it is a problem how much religion is incorporated into these politics, particularly the republican party, if only for the reason that it is used as an EXCUSE for the war in iraq. a war for god. its pretty sad and pretty ignorant. modern christianity is violent and vindictive and hateful and greedy and we need as little of that as possible in our country's leaders.
i mean, how christian is it to blatantly destroy the planet that is given to us by god simply because we need oil? christianity is politics is christianity. that needs to change.
anyhow vote obama.

thanks for posting these mikie

heather said...

joey, i am so with you. PRAY FOR THE PIPELINE??? i am quite sure that to god or jesus that would be BLASPHEMY. using christianity as a economic and political platform is sick and i am sure that it goes against any real values of christian charity, humility, and love.

Amy Beatty said...

You guys are whack, I pray everyday that a pipeline will go through my own Mt. Timp. That will be the day!

AdieSpringB said...

PRAY FOR THE PIPELINE GUYS! Don't you know that if you pray for the pipeline, than the world will be healed, and we can all head to Alaska for the end times to ensue so we can all die in ALASKA? WTF.

I kind of feel bad for her. She is honestly purty dummm. But kind of endearing too. NOT IN A WAY THAT MEANS I WOULD EVER VOTE FOR HER. But she's just so dorky damn it!

Damn Christians. I find it odd how DRAMA QUEEN so many christians are. It's like if they can't figure the "end times" into their life equation, they have nothing to talk about. They are too bored just being humans in the world. They think their mission isn't here on the planet, with people and the earth, instead it's with some fantasy God-world that they will get to if they can just get to the end-times already. "The wars here on earth are nothing in comparison to God's kingdom. This is all nothing in God's great scheme of things" Oh's so disgusting. That's the attitude that have made so many "christians" turn a completely blind eye to Iraq, to war, to women and children getting blown up..
They just are stuck on the damn END TIMES, thinking none of this matters.
It's because these peeps have a great lack of creativity. It's because they have a great lack of presentness, an inability to see the present REAL AND TRUE dramas in the world that are all around us. Things we could be changing now, HERE.
Lives to save, babies to feed, things to nourish, a planet to take care of.....
instead they just think "let's just use up every resource and every SUV and every mineral and chemical and nuclear bomb there is, because hell, soon enough it will be END TIMES".

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weird, cause I every time I open the Bible (which is a favorite bedtime pasttime) I read things that blatantly argue such attitudes.

And I really do love Jesus, and EVERY thing he taught.

But these peeps are all mixed up. Crying over pipelines and oil rigs and shit. Praying for money. Christians my ass.


Oh and read this-
"Which is the more significant defining fact about Sarah Palin's priorities: The fact that she carried to term and gave birth to a lovely child with Down's Syndrome; or the fact that she apparently encouraged her oldest son to enlist in the military to fight, and perhaps die, in an immoral war?

Why was a mother so devoted to protecting the life of a child with a challenging disability so eager to see her firstborn become an instrument of needless death -- including, perhaps, his own?

Sarah Palin is in many way the embodiment of the Evangelical conservative element of the Republican Party, and this includes its defining contradictions regarding the sanctity of life and the destructive nature of government power. To put the matter in unadorned terms: Most self-defined conservative Christians are as apathetic about the slaughter of innocents in foreign wars as they are agitated about the annihilation of the pre-born through abortion, and they are expansively suspicious of government except when it is engaged in mass-murder abroad."

Papa Dan said...

Boy, since when has our wonderful Beatty blog site become so political and hateful. I am suprised at the negative blogs or comments that really don't do any problem solving at all. To me it is NOT good to have such negative things to say about anyone. I don't think it is ever any good to be tearing others down. It's not Beattylike. Am I just naive at 63?? Consider what is good about others and then vote for he or she who seems the best.

Amy Beatty said...

pops you are the best! love you!

heather said...

first off, it's TOTALLY beatty-ish to get all impassioned about any number of subjects. secondly, nobody's really being torn down here, she's pretty famous and i think she'll do okay in the long run with or without beatty kids' support. in any case, i'm gonna post a new blog soon that is just the fun stuff.

mattbeatty said...

That's true Heather, but I'm pretty much with dad that there *seems* to be a lot of hate here. I guess it just feels like "gossip" or bitterness or something, because essentially we're all preaching to the choir! We all have about the same political leanings except maybe mom and dad, so it's maybe extraneous? I don't know. True that she's famous, she's tough, she'll get by. But politics and campaigning and everything is always so FAKE, so filled with just ADVERTISING (on both sides, honestly!), and I'm so bored of it and annoyed with it that frankly I just don't care. Instead, let's just sit back and let the inevitable happen--a liberal president for a change!

I don't know I'm just rambling here. Sorry. Incoherent. But seriously, do we hate or despise people like Sarah Palin? I hope not, because many people agree with her, think the same way. Why else would she have so much support? Sure we can disagree, but that's a privilege we have as smart, logical, thinking beings: debate, disagreement. I know not everyone who agrees with her is an idiot. And not everyone who supports Obama is brilliant.

Um, does any of this make sense? Sorry. I'm going to bed.

I think we should say--no politics on the blog! We TRULY almost all agree and support the same views and candidates. No problem there. So it's basically unnecessary. Politics can be really stupid anyway.

mattbeatty said...

Let me clarify by saying I pretty much heartily disagree with the whole McCain/Palin platform. Especially with Palin's definition of Alaska's "natural resources" (probably the only video clip I watched).

I'm just not a fan of the vitriol.

mattbeatty said...

But then again, I'm not an Alaskan. I don't live there, don't ever really plan on living there (though I'll of course visit).

I don't need to have a job there. So maybe my opinion doesn't even count? Maybe I'm uninformed? Oh great I'm overanalyzing everything and this is ridiculous and I'm TIRED goodnight.

heather said...

hey mattie (and all)
i guess the politics just doesn't bother me because i talk a lot to joey, emily, addie and darin about this stuff and OF COURSE none of us ACTUALLY *hate* palin or mccain (definitely not mccain) or anyone. not even good old george w. i think palin would be a lovely person to know, i honestly do. like i think of customers who come in my work after church on sundays and they are super conservative church-going el dorado countyans, and i get along with them wonderfully and we can joke around and talk and really like each other. that is not a problem at all. i guess that is why none of this actually seems "hateful" to me, hateful is such a strong word that smacks of hate crimes and intolerance, exactly the opposite of what i believe in.

the only thing is, and you are much more optimistic than i am, you see this big liberal shift happening and i see people loving sarah palin. and also hating obama. i am interning a cultural studies class called "american identities" and some of the students show me stuff that is going around about obama such as a teeshirt showing a picture of CURIOUS GEORGE that is supposed to be obama (blackface anyone?) and a text message saying C.H.A.N.G.E: "come help a nigger get elected." there are a lot of important issues at stake in this election, race not the least of these, making it an extrememly vital topic right now.

that is why the politics here don't bother me. they are part of our lives and i know that for the most part our blog will be filled with happy things. anyway i love to see everyone's viewpoints.

heather said...

i wish i could edit my comment. i wanted to add after i talk about how we don't actually "hate" these politicians, that it is POWER that is important to address. talking about things, even among beleivers, may bring a bit of clarity or focus to some tough issues in which massive amounts of power are at stake. and our country has a history of giving power to an elite group that does not have everyone's best interests in mind. what is the dominating force? money. who gets the money and the resources and thus the power? a very specific group of people that set this ball in motion so long ago. this is why i find it fascinating, it is historical, it is cutural, and it is social. i like to think about these kinds of things and then, to truly consider how we can indeed make a CHANGE.

Joseph Beatty said...

i think these things are important and i think that it's scary how close such a foolish person is to being one of the very prominent leaders of our country. i DO kind of find it important to realize the ridiculous aspects of the side i DON'T support. essentially i guess it doesn't make any critical changes or anything, but maybe it can inform us of the absolute bullshizzit that could very potentially take office for four years and if so then probably eight years, and really there is a lot of political discussion going on in this country amongst individuals and im sure this is affecting everybody so if we know why we disagree we can talk about it, not just to each other whom we agree with, but i think thats important too. im not hateful...except maybe a little. i love who i love but there are some truly foolish foolish fools who i really really do not like or approve of.
and i know all this campaigning, the typical slander and all, does get boring but its a very important election so i dont want to just sit back but instead i do want to get fired up about a lot of stuff because i do NOT want beautiful areas of pristine wilderness destroyed for the "gain" of humans and corporations and i do NOT want beautiful species of animals taken out because they get in the way and i do NOT want our country to stay in Iraq and continue gathering the disapproval of every other country on this planet and i do NOT want to hear about deaths and deaths and deaths and call that "victory."
i dont want that at all.

Joseph Beatty said...

me and heather just posted at the same time and really said the same things. anyways i agree with you heather.

mattbeatty said...

Alright alright, I never meant to support inaction, or say we shouldn't do anything--I guess it kinda sounded like that. I totally agree that the election and its corresponding issues are important, and should be discussed. I just get sick of the politicians and their endless mudslinging, insulting, truth-warping, all in the name of "campaigning." I'm an advocate of diplomacy, civility. If we're acting and talking just as pissed off, emotional, and angry as them, then we're no better than they are. But we *are* better than that. We can be fired up but let's just be civil! I think that's the direction this election is headed towards anyway, which is obviously a good thing.

Because (hopefully!) if someone really believes something, they have a reason. Something that is important to them. Something they are informed on. Then the debate can be meaningful and purposeful, instead of just a bunch of "drill baby drill!" parrots who don't know what they're talking about. Maybe I am too idealistic, but I just mean in general. That's the kind of debate I like to have. You discuss, concede, convince, speak candidly and honestly.

And Heather, I like what you said about being able to befriend virtually anyone, regardless of fanatacism and belief and political stance. I try to be able to do the same myself. I debate and argue when I know it matters, but otherwise I try to avoid unnecessarily harming relationships. Something like that.

So no one take offense to my comments. I'm just the epitome of the devil's advocate. Always.

Mikie Beatty said...

I posted this blog for dad. I'm glad all of you saw it, though.

Still the choir song sits un-listened-to by my most important audience member.
I'm tired of living in a family where the father disagrees with the beliefs of his children.

mattbeatty said...

Hey, i think it's okay if dad believes differently. I don't think it's good for *everyone* to believe exactly the same things. And dad's usually pretty calm and somewhat reasonable in his arguments and beliefs (vs. the typical conservative), which probably spawns from the fact that his kids believe otherwise. And what about mom? She's more conservative than you/us too.

I just think your last line sounded kind of mean, honestly. Please don't take offense to that. I don't think you should be tired of Dad thinking/believing differently. He wouldn't be the dad that we know otherwise. We *need* differences in order to *have* these kind of conversations! I'd be tired of it if all of us were exactly the same. Dad's just being honest. I think the best way to influence someone else is to respect their beliefs, and share yours honestly. No bitterness though. That's not respect.

heather said...

matt, i agree wholeheartedly. wouldn't we all question the integrity of someone who suddenly changed their beliefs just because of "peer pressure" or something like that. it is totally fine for people to believe different things, it makes us loveable and unique. we need to respect each other's differences and not create an antagonistic environment to air our thoughts.