Yo dudes.
Just chillin in the 'puter lab of dear wee Cabrillo College.
I've been reading Mr. Fante recently. It's made me realize how much i used to adore reading and how long its been since I've embraced a book and just sat down and read.
I had a dream last night that I was angry at dad and bit his finger until it bled. Then I felt so bad I hugged him really hard and cried my eyes out. Of course, I woke up with wet eyes at 9 am. A similar thing happened in Road To Los Angeles (yes Heather, I'm still reading it) when Artie bites him thumb until it bleeds then he tears up a dress and cries his eyes out in the closet. Isn't it amazing how reading a book can affect our minds? Same with movies and TV. Humans are designed to mimic what we think is truth, in mine and Aristotle's opinion, and when something is written or published we for some reason regard it as truth and let it sink into our psyches.
Anyway, moving on - I just spent a whole weekend announcing the award ceremonies for a nearby gymnastics meet. Aside from making a lot more money than I expected to and having tons of delicious food all weekend, I had a blast..I'm really developing an interest in gymnastics. For about a year I've been crash-coursing my way through learning about gymnastics, and finally I think I'm getting the complexity and excitement behind it all. Believe me, a year ago I knew literally nothing.
Mikie on Gyms:
Gyms are not just places where buff people work out on weight machines (although I have frequented some of these gyms in hopes to increase my lean muscle mass and maybe get a little bit taller), Gymnasiums are places where kids and folks come together to work and play in a motivated, competitive and friendly environment towards a similar goal. Almost everybody's stoked on life. The equipment is crazy and fascinating. Gyms are about hard work and having fun, my favorite combination. (Although it would be cool if gyms were more outdoors, since I am pretty big on the idea of being outside when working "out").
And so I got to announce the awards ceremonies. Seven of them, to be precise. It was fun, and I had to quickly learn how to pronounce a lot of zany kids' names. Like Syeda Ijaz. Imagine you're on a microphone in a room with hundreds of parents about to announce First Place on Bars, you look down and BAM "Syeda Ijaz, 9.250". Great. Inevitable embarassment. So you take a stab at it, and the whole place looks at you disapprovingly. ;) You smile, shrug, and move on to the next name, "2nd Place, 9.150: Maina Dyc-O'neal"...
so, it was fun, and now I'm back at school, waiting to start my American Literature class.
Last point of business: we got a 2-bedroom little home in Santa Cruz. For a $1000 a month we have a whole kitchen, bathroom, large closet, living room space, master bedroom and a side bedroom. ALL next door to Stan Okumura's house. truly. Maybe I'm just daydreaming, but living there shall be awesome. At the least, it will be remarkably better than crashing at this previous place where we literally aren't allowed to speak louder than a whisper else we might wake the sleeping giants upstairs. Seriously.
And so ends my current events. I love you guys, and I'm off to classes now. Have a grand Monday all y'alls. I love you, did I say that? Oh, and by the way, I love you guys. Love you.
Love, Mikie (who loves you, hetero-like)
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Congrats on the new place, sounds really great. The kids will be so excited to have you leaving there again, for they still do talk about Santa Cruz all the time. The kids will have a easier time talking us into going now that you are there. I love watching gymnastics. My best friend did it all growing up so I went to all her meets. Your list of jobs keeps getting longer and longer. How fun to try a little bit of everything. You sound as though you have come full circle and are sooo happy and complete. Much love going back your way. xoxo
migsy it was great to hear from you. your stories about the names cracked me up and i bet all the girls just LOVED their semi-famous announcer. people comment often on the tiny pic of you on the side mirror of my car. also i cannot wait to come visit you!!!! i miss the beach. i have been thinking a lot about how lucky we are to have the california coastline RIGHT HERE. especially you. anyway i want to do a little jaunt down there soon.
i so wish you could have been with us singing karaoke at the top of our lungs last night and being the biggest dorks on earth. i love you! and miss you!
mikie- awesome........
How funny pronouncing those names and doing the whole awards ceremony in general! Was there really names like Dyc-o'connell or whatever you said? I would have some major laugh attacks. I miss you! I can't wait to visit you all. Art and I got a house in Pville! It's really amazing too! But you live next door to Stan? Crazy. You can bet I will be stopping by come Halloween month (I would sooner but probably we have much moving to do til Oct. 1st)
See you soon.
I bet you and Candiiiii will have the cutest house ever. Nice and clean and fresh- my kind of dream.
Hey, how do you spell candy/i?
I love The Road to Los Angeles. Great book. He wrote it long long ago, but it wasn't published until after his death. Could you imagine that kind of pure passion for writing?
I now have a gym membership, but I've only been there once.
Your current events sound great. Thanks for looping us in, sewing us together. Oh and I did laugh out loud pondering those odd names.
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