Yesterday I traveled for a total of: 21 hours.
Expenses: $96 plus $20 for food/fun.

I hiked the great Grand Canyon of Burbank yesterday. In flip-flops and a backpack I hiked between 9am and 7pm, to the monumental Disney Channel building and then back to downtown Burbank. During my travels I talked with many an individual, some of whom I haven't seen in a few months and some I'd never met before. The interesting thing about any sort of travel is how seeing unusual or new things provides different perspectives for our everyday life. This is a really basic idea, but in order to really get it you have to just go out and do it. Example: Havasu Falls. We could imagine a lot about that trip. But our imaginations are reflections of things we've already seen, and I think none of us excluding Dad had ever actually seen Havasu Falls before.
Gross Domestic Input, or the total amount of input experienced over the course of a year by a nation, is one way of getting motivated to try new things and learn new skills, or simply just observe other ways in which human beings just like us live their everyday lives. Hurray for new input. Go out and put some in! Huzzah! Input!

Anyhoo, that's all I have to say about the trip. I was tired, ate good food, talked to people and now I'm back in Santa Cruz with the loveliest person in the world. Next time I'm dragging her along.
Peace out homies
Love, Mikie
not to mention you dodged the worst train wreck in los angeles history by a matter of minutes? hours? good job mikie. we are really really glad you are safely back in santa cruz and it sounds like you had fun in la. what was the fitting like? is it like "back to school" flava? just in time for high school musical three? and, most importantly, what was this good food you ate??!!
Hey there Mikie, I always love the pictures you take when you're in L.A.!! I'm so glad you got home safe, I was worried about all that train riding on a day of such a horrible train wreck!! I'm glad Canice is going with you next time. You two are so cute together. I'm happy you'll have your own little home soon. Thanks for posting about your adventures. What an exciting life! Love you so much and looking forward to seeing you this weekend, Love Momma
Are you making a new commercial? LA is always fun in moderation. How in the world did I miss the news that you dodged the worst train wreck in history? Glad you are doing mighty fine. Love you
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