this beautiful little girl that Heather found on Forni road covered in dirt and skinny and hungry. look at her. perfect precious innocent soul of enlightenment. We named her Harvest, after Harvest Moon. It was Emmas idea. Maybe we can call her Harvey. She has no tail, most likely a Manx bred for money, dropped off because of her disorder. Manx cats dont have tails and they are desirable and sweet. This little girl however had a problem. She is a tiny kitten and she had a swollen rear end, and she was leaking like she had problems with her bowels. It was altogether a very odd and unusual looking butt area, but she was so perfect and beautiful. So we kept her here last nite. She slept with me and Emma and had a really rough nite. She is unable to poop and obviously constipated badly and in a lot of pain. It was difficult and heartwrenching. So this morning around 8am we (me, heather, emma) took her to the vet, good old kindhearted Randy Robinson on Missouri Flat. She is so sweet and good-natured, did so well in the car, just slept and purred. And also in the waiting room. Finally when Randy came to see her, which was surprisingly quick on such a busy day for a good vet like him, he noticed something very very crazy. Little Harvey actually was born without an anus. She has nowhere to poop from. Her urethra is connected with her colon tract, so her urine and poop come out of the same place. This is very painful for her, but she has kept such a good attitude despite it all. Randy Robinson was blown away, he has never seen anything like this before. He was surprised she has been alive this long (we are guessing about six weeks). ANd I know thats because she has such a pure and strong little soul. Anyways, he is a smart man and proposed a surgery to literally create an anus. But we told him we're students, we dont have much money. so the good man is only charging us for cost, only 141 dollars for a major operation. The thing is, it may not work, the odds are unknown. Its worth a try, all of us agree wholeheartedly, but if the surgery goes badly it is the most compassionate thing to do to have her put to sleep. Doctor Robinson is trying to save her sweet beautiful little life. We'll see. If she makes it, she'll be a very special little creature who will always have some problems, but at least we'll be able to love her and always be with her. If she doenst make it, she will live on forever in our hearts even tho we've only known her barely a day. She has made such an effect on me, and all of us im sure, that i cant even explain it. Ive never seen such innocence, beauty, and perfection in a being. And if she doesnt make it, I truly believe better things can await her. Be it Nirvana, Enlightenment, Heaven, or Moksha, she is closer to those places than anything I've ever seen. Here are some pictures of her. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers everybody please. We should find out at any time the results. She is beauty.

Wow, two in a row! I just talked to Heather about her. I think Harvest is a perfect name. Really perfect and pretty. What a sweet cat. I'm glad you guys are so compassionate and took her to try and save her! And bless Randy Robinson, what an awesome vet to have nearby who will help her out.
I can't explain the effect this little kitty angel has on everyone who meets her. She is absolutely and gift from the heavens. I loved her the instant I saw her and wanted to keep her myself, she needs lots of attention and care and Nettie wasn't too into it unfortunately. Then I found out I have to move AGAIN, so I am so glad that Emily and Joey fell in love with her so much. She has been kinda a family effort so far and I want to be around her alot, she makes your day brighter that is for sure. Thanks Joey and Emily for your loving care of her. I love my family and don't know if you all even can understand how upset I am that I have to leave my little home. Please pray I will find something I can exist in and be happy enough to keep from bugging the hell out of all of you.
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