Here's a little update and just so you know, I am not trying to exclude everyone by not coming over for Father's Day or to see Matt and Amy, but you must understand, I am sooooo broke. Plus 100 dollars and my Ipod were stolen, and so the gas money is impossible this past week. By this weekend I will be better off.
Alessi from London, is coming to stay four nights with us, starting tonight. I am so very excited! We are taking our boat on it's first test run tomorrow, to see if it sinks or floats. I will have to put some pictures up of our trip. Alessi is coming, and a bunch of friends.... The periwinkle boat is fricking adorable. Today I smell like salt and B.O after leaving frantically to go running this morning which I did not expect to do. I decided to go after checking the weather and seeing that the next 2 days are going to be scorchers.... 80 degrees by 8 am or something ridiculous. I don't do so good at getting up before 9 am, and so it's really too hot if it's past 83 degrees to go run, especially if there is no breeze. So at 10:30 today, at a nice 78 degrees with a breeze, I took off in a hurry. I have many many gold stars now. But my 4 times running a week has sort of turned into 3..... oh well.
I have a love of coffee mugs that come complete with a saucer, so after you mix up your coffee you can lay the spoon somewhere. And plus, with a saucer under your mug, the coffee cup never leaves rings of coffee or spills on the counter. Here is a picture of me, after running (like 1 hour after) with my new mugs and saucers from the thrift store!

Also, Art, Cam and I are going to be gone next weekend. I need a housesitter. We will be gone 3 nights, I just need someone to stay over for 1 night. Not sure which one. Now listen, while at our house you can use any amenities you want, you can go to the Yuba River, you can play XBox, you can even have a little party, the only thing you can't do is steal anything.
I will pay for gas here and back. I also might pay more if I can fork it up.
Here are the things I need:
My babycats given lots of love and attention while you are at the house.
My garden and my plants around the house watered.
The cat food filled and water filled.
Uncover the goldfish pond if you are here during the day and then cover again when night falls. If you are only staying one night you can leave them covered after that.
One or two nights should be fine......please! Can anyone do this? I will leave the key and gas money for whoever could help me. My kitties will be so lonesome if no one stops by, or if Art's brother (Seth he's 13) just runs in and feeds them and leaves. Plus my fish need a little bit of light! Not 4 days under the wooden cover that keeps the raccoon out! And my veggie garden.... ......heather, darin? Anyone you know? If you help me out I will be sure to help you out back some day!
I love you all! I hope you aren't mad that I did not visit to see Dad or the kids. I miss you all so much. I am just working through this poverty... and...wanting a new damn ipod! I have to go now and clean clean clean the house to make it cottage-perfect for when Aless arrives.
yours truly,
this is such a cute blog ade. i love love love your coffeecups and saucer idea. i was JUST looking at two super cutie ones at snowline yesterday and thinking about buying them but they were six dollars each cause they were fancy teacups. anyway i am quitting coffee and darin is too, for the most part. diet coke too, and trying to drink less alcohol. still, we could use them for other things, like water.
anyway, addie when you say next weekend are you talking june 27, 28 and 29? our anniversary is on june 30 and i am asking for the 29 and 30 off work. maybe we could spend the night there on the 28 and then take off from there on sunday to go camping or hiking somewhere out that direction. know of any super beautiful romantic places for our anniversary trip? by the way, where are you guys going? oh...the boat trip huh.
love you honey. don't worry about not being able to come right now. it's okay. i will post pictures of our antics soon and i will give oey some extra squeezes for you because he is oh so huggable, like unbelievably.
Addue, this picture of you is so cute. You have been running alot? You look great! The darlin' family left yesterday and my house is so empty. I love having them here. We all missed seeing you. I know how it is about the gas. Dad paid for the gas to San Francisco to take the kids to the Exploratorium and bring them back. We had such fun. More later on that. But just know I miss you. I'm sure you will find someone to take care of your kitties, plants and fishes.I love you honey. Hi Artie!
Adie!! You are looking great. I bet you feel good too. I am sad that we didn't get to spend any time with you and Arty though, so sad.
It's okay you couldn't make it Adie, though we do miss you! I vote that we schedule a gold panning trip with you and Art and the kids. That's totally their sort of thing and I know all would love it. Bummer about your cash and ipod, what ripoff, literally. I want to come visit your cute town and surrounding environs soon--what a great place to live. I seriously oh-so-totally wish it were us who could come housesit for a night or two. The cats, the river, the goldfish (we have one of our own). Anyway, love you! See you on a train soon!
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