Summer is here. It has been nice and lazy, just lots of playing outside. Our grass died while we were out of town so we have been running the water since we have been back. It was a surprise to see our once beautiful and green yard turn brown on us so quickly. The kids loved playing in the water, but by afternoon jarom was done and told me he was going to play a game. I said"ok." He came in later wanting to know how to spell flower contest so I told him, and then I didn't see him again for close to a hour (well I could see him sitting outside while I was making dinner and whatnot. I don't want Nana to think I lost him for a hour). Anyway, dinner is done and made, so I yell to Jarom. He doesn't move from his sitting place. I go out to ask him what he is doing because you all know very well Jarom doesn't just sit. He told me in a sad voice that no one wants to play his flower contest game. He had just been sitting there next to the sidewalk holding his sign he made that said "flower contest", just waiting for someone to walk by so he could ask them to play. Strangely enough no one came by, it was dinnertime. Not quite sure what the game was I just asked him to hurry and eat his dinner. Which he did, and then he was back outside. Waiting about a half hour before he started yelling into the street, "anyone want to play?", then runs back inside and begs Matt and I if he can start knocking on doors. We said no. He wouldn't stop begging so we finally gave in and said he could knock on the door behind us. A cute couple who remind me of Bonny and Russ (see their take on it at They said yes. You have never seen a child so happy. I imagine it was like when Jarom won the grabber machine at Heather's work.
So here's Jarom jumping up and down with excitement over his first player
Paul won. He watered everything in the allowed time, and even won a prize from Jarom's own toys. They have the cutest baby boy you have ever seen, I think it could make a good chew toy for the little guy. This was at 7 pm.
Two hours later, a young girl got caught in Jarom's web. She was a pro. it was almost like she had played this game before.
She also won and then Bella ran into the house and gave her a doll. She said her little sister would like it. Jarom was all too proud to have two partakers of his game and for the rest of the night was telling me how great it would be to do another game tomorrow and that I should like it because of how many toys they could give away.

The original "flower contest" sign. This thing breaks my heart every time I see it. [Matt]
this is my favorite thing i have ever seen in my life. i am laugh-crying right now and i feel like the whole world needs to play this game! it will bring world peace! it will make all the difference! jarom has exploded my heart today.
That sign is so precious. What a great imagination Jarom has. I love that game. When I water my flowers at my house I will play it every time. Jarom you sweetheart, I wish I had been there to play it! Great writing on the sign. I can't believe how good you can write and you're not even in Kindergarten yet!I miss you guys, love Nana
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