Two feather trading post, Coloma California. sharing ringpop with local kitty:

darin's favorite:

joey's favorite:

mattie's favorite:

graveyard gallivanting:

jarom's favorite: unknown graves:

swimming at my house:
watching the "special futures" of ice age with sylvan at nana's:
nana's mac n cheese dinner:

walking downtown to see los webelos at PLA:

meeting up with papa:

the couples!
That was the best weekend. I want to come back now. Jarom and Bella love watching that video of them swimming. I do to. I looks super nice right now and I wish I could just jump in. And I want everyone else to jump in to. Does Darin ever get in? Wish we could have gone with you to the ghost town. One day. Love you xoxo
Last weekend came and went like a whirlwind, I still can't get over those precious little ones leaving. I can't get enough of them. I want them to come again and stay longer and never leave. But I'm grateful for the moments I get with them when they are here. Thanks for coming Matt and Amy and bring the precious ones. We love you all so much! Nana (Thanks for the blog Heather and for posting the pictures, love you)
Heather can you upload these photos to the Beatty flickr account? I want many of them.
It was such a fun, fast weekend. Our whole summer's been one of fun, fast weekends.
I really wish I bought that neckerchief though. It was pretty cool. In fact, if anyone ventures down that way toward Coloma again--I will totally pay them back--plus interest--if they buy it for me. I think it's about ten bucks.
So much more exploration to do down there. I love Coloma. And Placerville, actually.
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