Last Sunday I had two friends from my work over to my new little house for snacks and a movie. They each brought me a pretty gift for my garden, Marcia brought me the beautiful pot of flowers on my front porch and Nancy brought a silver bird feeder. They both look wonderful in my garden.
Here's a picture of them just before we turned on the movie, The Other Bolyen Girl.

Here I am with Nancy (she's the Children's Librarian and a wonderful one too!) Notice the beautiful flower pot next to me, Marcia chose each flower and nurtured it for me.

And here she is my Bostonian girlfriend, Marcia. What a doll!

I hope to have many more parties at my cute little house with lots of friends and family. In fact today is July 4th and we're going to have barbecued Veggie dogs with Heather, Darin, Emily and Joey, Mikie and Candice and whoever else can come!
So fun Nana. I'm so glad you have such wonderful friends and they really know you well to be able to pick out such perfect gifts for you. They are both so thoughtful. How did you like the movie? Sounds like you will be having a great 4th. xoxo
love you
momma i am so glad you have a cute little home where you can entertain and watch birds and water your flowers and be peaceful. it is so perfect for you. see you in a little bit!
Looks like your lady friends from the library especially took to your couch. You know, you seem to find more folks at your work that treat you decently and rely on your expertise. That's how it ought to be. Most often, things have a way of coming around for the better. (seems like)
mom, your shirt and pants are killing me! You look absolutely adorable!
How fun. It's exactly what I have always dreamed for you. I swear when I was 16 and you would seem unhappy sometimes and I would just hope that one day you would have your own little adorable house and garden and flowers and girlfriends and books.....
and also the other part I dreamed.... that you would own a lovely Bed and Breakfast Victorian, all your own!
Love you!
So how was the movie? I was curious to see it.
I'm glad your house is seeing some action. With such good and thoughtful friends too. We love it there (at your house) already. I think we're ready to stay another week! Thanks for posting. Love you and talk to you soon.
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