Well, hi. In this clip which took place back in 1989 (I think), it shows Mikie at first with two front teeth missing and then the balance is of Joey and his new bubble manufacturing lawn mower. First, I have shown a picture of Susan from that same tape in a somewhat solumn look, although gorgeous as usual no matter what the pose. Well, the recorder was kind of new and from the beginning Susan didn't like having her picture taken, but hated being taped. Anyway, I recently consulted with her and she didn't want me to include the part of the tape where she showed her disaproval of being taped (cute as it might have been--at least in my eyes) So you just get to see the look on her face about 1/100 of a second before she sees that I'm taping her and shows her displeasure.
Anyway, it is so cute of Joey showing me the bubble action aroung the back yard of our house on Sage Oak Court. Also, notice when about 2 minutes into the video, he stops and walks away from his mower because something is unusual in the lawn by the house. I think he is discovering shadows and has to stop and contemplate>He accepts it and moves on. So cute. Emily will appreciate the little cutie.
Hey Matt, everyone is back to full excitement about the Supai trip. Sorry we caused you concern/ You have an amazingly positive attitude about things and when you said that whatever the cost or concern, when we look back it will be well worth it. I'm sure that will be the case. And we have come up with some means of transportation for people and equipment that are looking very doable. On another blog soon, I will list the equipment that I think is needed and who has what (stoves, water filters, etc) and list some things that we need to be considering, so we buy and take only what is really needed. I know funds are short for most, so we'll try to keep any supply costs at a minimum. Ok that's my blog. Love from Dad
Nana is such a beauty queen. I love how Joey never tires of saying "bubbles daddy", he was so excited and cute every time he said it. And I thought it was perfect of Mikie to be wearing a Zelda hat.
name repetition. joey you had it down pat. i love how the little voice lilts up on the second syllable of daddy. bubbles dadeeee. so cute. mikie was pretty cute too. i feel bad for him, everybody's trying to make him smile bigger and his smile was already pretty big. awww. so cute. i love love love these old videos. thanks dad! i wish you could have shown mom's part too. she probably secretly would not have cared, because she would have noticed how cute she looked!
by the way i really like your idea of posting a blog of equipment still needed and what we have already. let me know if you need help with that. love you pops!
Thanks for the video, I love Mikie's cutie pie toothless smile and Joey with his bubble lawnmower! As usual it makes me very nostalgic for times gone by. The picture of me however I could have lived without, why oh why did I give into the perm craze. Whoa, a little out of control! Now I look back and wonder why I cared so much about being on tape. I wish I could have been more gracious about it. Nowadays I don't even care about getting my picture taken because it's so common. For some reason back then I didn't like it. I am so so glad however that we have all those tapes of the kids. I'm worried about them disintegrating though. The sooner you can get them on DVD, the better! Thanks for doing it, but do it fast please, please.
dad, this is amazing. I could just cry as the end fades out and he's walking around, so blissfully happy about those bubbllllless dadddeeeee. He must have said that 40 times!
Wow. Who knew that Joey was so cute? I guess we all did. It's actually kind of hard to watch this, because I picture myself as that father and these kids (though some are bigger in the video) as mine, toddling around, saying amazing things, being perfect and memorable and it's kind of heartbreaking. I'm a softie. Plus I just love family.
Thanks for posting this Dad. So glad to see everyone doing so much posting! It's great!
Great idea also on the gear list. More on that later.
Speaking of Zelda-toothless Mikie--where are you on the blog these days? No comments, no blogs, no nothing . . .
good point mattie. i have been wondering where mikie is myself. i see him in real life but i know he is online checking his stuff a lot! for a while there he was our blog's biggest fan. we want mikie back!
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