Here's a list of stuff I think we need. Please leave a comment to add anything that I missed, and I'll edit this list to include it. Righteous.
backpack (obviously)
sleeping/mummy bag, blankets will probably do just fine since it'll be so hot
water bottles: SIGG, Nalgene, canteen, whatever
stove + fuel (Dad, Joey and Matt have)
water purifier (Dad, Joey and Matt have)
mess kit + cup/mug
biodegradable soap (I like Dr. Bronners, because you can use it as soap, toothpaste, detergent, shampoo, etc.)
waterproof matches or lighter
good sunscreen
insect repellent
flashlight(s) -- LED flashlights are light and powerful
spare batteries for flashlight
bathroom essentials: toothbrush/paste, soap, contacts + solution, hair-ties, vaseline, spare contacts, etc.
biodegradable toilet paper (apparently there's a lack of it in the facilities)
first aid kit (I know Joey has one, anyone else?)
[contents of first aid kit: bandaids (including waterproof), butterfly bandage, ace bandage, waterproof tape, acetaminophen/ibuprofen/aspirin, snake bite kit -- there's a good list here]
camera + a good case + spare battery
disposable camera (just in case)
lotion (apparently we'll need it)
poncho (black garbage bag or two would suffice--rains expected!)
CamelBak or water bladder
dish scrubber
ziploc/plastic bags (good for camera protection and storing/carrying little items)
maps and field guides
carabiners to secure stuff to your pack
backpacking towel
sleeping mat
rain cover for your pack
rain poncho
I don't know girls' clothing that well, so this is what I'm bringing:
2 pairs shorts
2 t-shirts
maybe 1 long-sleeved shirt, but I'm not sure yet
maybe 1 pair of pajama-y pants or something, also not sure on this one
sweatbands (if you're me--yes)
good shoes or foot coverings of some kind, at least two pair: for water and/or hiking (I'm just bringing Chacos and flipflops)
socks (if bringing shoes/boots)
For food, lots of lightweight, filling stuff. We won't want to bring canned foods. Boxed foods are a great idea, stuff like rice-a-roni and couscous--you just take the package out of the box and save the heating directions.
We should all cover our own food entirely, but also bring maybe one or two things to share--for example I'll bring a decent dose of my favorite homemade mix that can go around.
On the first day it will probably be possible to bring certain things that won't go bad instantly. Things like:
sandwiches (like peanut butter or cold grilled cheese or something)
freeze-dried beans
split peas for soup
rice (minute rice is lighter, but takes up more volume; "real" rice is heavier but low volume so you can bring a ton of it)
top ramen (eat at your own risk)
macaroni and cheese (if you so choose)
granola/food bars
trail mix/gorp
dried fruit
dried bananas -- get them in bulk: strange texture, but very light, filling, and nutritious
a little sugar/brown sugar (for oatmeal especially)
(There's a ton of food I haven't listed. Please suggest!)
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
i like how in desert solitaire he is always eating weird combinations of food like dried apricots and refried beans. it makes me excited to be out there in the wild where anything tastes good! i just read the havasu part of the book and i loved the glen canyon part. i am getting really excited.
i think this list is pretty comprehensive, and i can't think of anything to add. i kept thinking of things that i like to have like a tiny mirror and a little towel, and then i saw that they were already on your list! i can't wait! i am going to use this list as a check off. i want to try to fill my pack early and make sure everything fits. thanks for doing this.
now everyone should post if they don't have one or some of the necessary items. and need to borrow them or something. personally, darin and i do not have sleeping bags or mummy bags. i am thinking about taking a light blanket and a sleeping pad but i would need to borrow one or two from dad. dad? any thoughts?
Someone told me corn pasta is really good to take hiking, as it has a lot more nutrients. He said you can find it at REI and such.
I think I want to make little pasta dinners and maybe bring some cans of tuna for tuna sandwiches for lunch...with some mayo packets and some mustard packets from a gas station....Those packets are great for hiking. They even have relish in those packets.
I like the rice and beans idea.... perfect and light and easy to spice up.
I wonder if there is any freeze dried marinara sauce for pasta?
I also plan on bring some tiny treats like sardines (which i love)- and perhaps a tiny flask of brandy.
I CAN'T WAIT! We still have to buy our backpacking tent!
wow, Adie. You really have been thinking of this food thing. I love that the sardines are your tiny treats. The corn pasta sounds good though. I will have to look into that one.
do you think a tiny jar of peanut butter would be too heavy? i think it would be such a perfect treat out there, but maybe just the peanuts themselves.
I think you could bring a jar of peanut butter. I'm considering bringing three sodas--one for each day. Just crush the can and bring it back with you for recycling. Just an idea.
You can always eliminate certain things, like peanut butter, if your pack ends up too heavy. Or share the load with someone. We're all pretty buff and amiable; we can take it.
I added a few things to the list. Most recently: toilet paper. It just may be a necessity, especially for me.
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