My little whiskey has gone missing. We left him for 48 hours and he is no where to be found. I feel like I can hear him crying somewhere. Just like he would when we would put him outside just to let him in again.The same way when I found him crying in the street I couldn't stand to hear his little sad cry. Even when Matt would try to leave to work it would want to go with him. It was very dangerous to leave our street. He would follow us to the car and then hide under it and it would take us some time to get him out and put him back in his bed, but he was quick. You really had to keep on eye on him. He was just a baby and always wanted to be with the family. I think thats why he left in the end. He just wanted some love and comfort and it breaks my heart that we left him.

The sweetest kitty ever. He was so fun and playful.

Kids loving him. Bella said she liked him because when you pet him he would go purr.

Kill us. We want him back.

We got home last night at 12 and didn't see him waiting for us in his little hide out under the jogger we got worried and the kids started searching. We went to bed a lot later then we wanted with no luck. We put a little food out and it was gone this morning so the kids went and knocked on a few doors. The house next door said they never saw him when they came over to make sure he had food and water and a couple houses down said they heard him crying out their window and try to keep it in their back yard but thats all we know for now.
I really hope we find him. I've been thinking about him all day.
I love the "kill us" stuff. A funny moment in a sad day.
i think he will turn up. keep calling him. i really hope he didn't get hit by a car, but i bet someone found him just like you guys did and took him in. maybe you should post signs with his picture. bandini needs his twin! the picture of the kids loving him is so so so sweet. i will be thinking of you guys and hoping so hard that he returns.
they really are twins!
i truly hope, and do slightly beleive, that he will show up. if he does not tho, i honestly think someone heard/saw him and took him in because of his beauty and is giving him a wonderful life. i just wish it could be you guys. im so sorry, i cant even imagine if bandy was gone. if he doesnt show up sometime soon you should go to the animal shelter and get another sweet little whiskey boy? maybe name him rum? haha. just a joke. lots of love-josiph
If I were there I would go right down to a special place that's like Animal Outreach and get you guys a new kitten, it breaks my heart that he's gone, I hope, hope, hope he comes back. But if he doesn't get another tiny little one. Love you all so so much, Nana
Well I guess I just don't stay up on things very well. I didn't even know you had a little kitty. When I first say the picture, I thought it was Bandy and had to read on to discover the real owner. I too am so sorry. It's hard to loose a little friend like him. But maybe he (or she) will show up, maybe by the time you read this, maybe, I hope Love.Dad
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