Sorry I haven't been doing much on our blogsite. You see, I am waiting for a new modem to finally show up from ATT. It's a long story, but mine went bad and they only want you to use one or two makes that work with ATT DSL. None to be found in Sacto area. Best Buy is the retailer that is suppose to supply them but ALL stores were out. So I had to order from ATT. Not really a problem until the delivery from UPS did not get here as was indicated on the tracking info. After a few frustrating phone calls and a couple of days, I finally connected with a really helpful AT&T lady in W. Virginia named Yvonne and she is sending another to arrive next Wed. In the meantime, I have been using dial-up and what a diff. I don't remember it being so slow, although it probably was. Remember how pictures come up a section at a time? I clicked on one of the pictures of Heather's latest blog to enlarge it and it took about 3-4 minutes to complete. I don't even like using the internet at this point. (probably a blessing, since I've been getting a few more things done)
Anyway I wanted to say, don't go buying a lot of expensive equitment for our trip to the GC. Backpacking stuff is not cheap, especially if you have to get almost everything needed including pack, s-bag, stove, lighting, tent, food, etc. I have stuff and I bet so do others that we could share. Unless you plan on doing lots of backpacking or run on to real good buys, lets communicate and get only what is really necessary. Well, church in an hour so better go. More pictures and video(s) to come when I get my modem Love Daddyo (per Mikie)
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
dad LOVES yvonne!
first rate bummer, eh? well why don't you get yvonne to deliver it to you PERSONALLY, hmm? you guys could have a modem date, talk about the birds and bees and DSL.
Anyway, sorry to hear about your internet probs. its a gorgeous day today so you should be outside anyway, right?!
right on pops, all we needs a couple little backpacking stoves (you and i both have em...maybe a couple more so meals dont take forever) and lots of stuff can definitely be shared.
I don't LOVE yvonne, but yes we are going to get married. All I have to do is get to W. Virginia and then look the state over for her. Someone named Yvonne who I have never seen, just talked to. I don't think it is impossible, do you. You know what what's his nam--something Eric said I go the whole wide world just to find her (maybe she lives in Tahiti)Guess I'll be on my way tomorrow.
yes! dad, i love your reply.'re sayin there's a chance!
i think it's the bahamas! can i come too!??
Wow, there's quite a relationship going on in this here thread.
And speaking of backpacking supplies, I know that we don't *need* to get everything, but Amy and I will probably try and get the essentials, because I know that we'll be using them up rather frequently (a guy can dream) in the future. So if anyone does happen to spy some outrageously righteous deals (Joey's $20 tent, anyone?), please let me know! Love you guys.
joey got a twenty dollar tent? new? I need a backpack and so does my hubster.
Sleeping bags, do we even need em out there? Or how bout just a sheet and a micro pad thingy for the ground? Is it hot at night?
Still have yet to get in shape! yikeS!
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