I just posted the pictures from one of our latest adventures, going down to the middle of the desert to see the remote Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. Here's
the Flickr album. It was really fun, a journey.
I also posted a blog detailing it a little more
over here.

The visitors center

Bones in the quarry buildings

Hiking the Rock Walk

Bella hands-in-pockets, trying to stay warm in the wind

Gnarled tree
oh man i just commented extensively on the mini-beatty site. lovely excursion. miss you guys!
Hey, I'm in the same boat. I just left a comment on the Beatty rampant site. But I want you to know I love all the family's blogs. I check them as often as I can. So here goes: You guys rock! and I mean that literally. Ha Ha! I wish Jarom could have kept one little rock too. Let's go back and sneak one. Oey is the most darling little baby in the world. Bella you are such a sweetheart in pink and I noticed those two little pony tail ties of different colors, you cutie! Jarom just like Heather said, you are so full of curiosity and wonder. What great parents you have to take you on all these wonderful excursions. I can't wait to see you all. Love you so much, Nana
Funny how both Nana and Heather both wanted to sneak a rock for Jarom- because Matt had the same idea. I thought it was the perfect time for Jarom to have a lesson and didn't let Matt get one for him. Just because we do love the out doors so much and they have that rule to preserve everything we love. We just want them to keep the rules of leave it how you found it. Thats the best thing we can do for this wonder land we live in.
it's funny, we are so attached to our own personal memories, it's like we are afraid if we don't have a souvenir, or a blog, or photographs, or journal entries, it will somehow fade completely away. of course it is not true and this beautiful world keeps turning and all our memories become part of it all, trees and rocks and earth and sky, and the ranger was indeed teaching a very good lesson. but we are too nostalgic! agghhh. it makes a lump in my throat when i think of jarom, five years old, then jarom fifteen, and maybe with a vague memory of a desert walk, and later, 25, it is whispery and unconscious, still there, but hazy like cloudy valley nights, and a rock is tangible and living and keeps stories inside it. yep, it's always a paradox. it is good to hold it all inside though, perfectly, dynamic as starlight.
How do you do, you'll have to look at my blog sympathy.
Please link.
Waited reply
who the heck is miumiu, is this a scam? and what does blog sympathy mean, cause i'm intrigued by the idea of blog sympathy although i think it has nothing to do with what this person meant.
Lovely blog spam, miumiu.
Heather, you put it perfectly, the tangible item *does* evoke the memory--that's just the way it is. It's a hard thing to reconcile, but I just tell Jarom that we can take rocks from land where it's okay to do so. And you should see the stash of seashells he collected! And plenty of other tangibles can do the same job, like the little interpretive Rock Walk printout I got and the photographs (are digital considered tangible? oh well--we'll get some in print), etc.
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