Hey guys, sorry for freakin y'all out yesterday. i was having a bit of a crisis, which quickly dissipated come 4 o'clockish. I had just been bailed on by my friends and was left a little lifeless. of course, as usual, that all came back and now a day and a half later things are 150% better. It was just a very brief moment of utter lonely lostness, when I thought i had no one. how stupid a thought.
i will say, both the headshots guy and the casting director asked me about all of you. and what did I say? I didn't know what to say, because you guys are always so far away. I need something to say to these people when they ask about you. right? i wish everybody else was so wanderlusty as me. maybe someday. wait'll you see those headshots. there's a reason I paid out my flanks for them
love you guys with all my heart, way way too much
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Good to see you back in true form!
Now what did those guys ask about all of us? Where's your family? Are they goodlooking? I'm confused as to the nature of their questioning.
Also, I would daresay that all of us are pretty dang wanderlusty. Wouldn't you say so too?
what do you mean when you say you wish everybody else was as wanderlusty as you? i think that in comparison to most people our family has a pretty intense love and hunger for travel and new experiences and new places and WANDERING than most. all of us equally. of the kids, i mean, i guess mom and pops are a little bit more okay with hangin out in one place and just doin that but thats their thing, theys older. but really, there's not a single one of my siblings who i would think of as being okay with settling for routine and conventional consistency. not any of us any more or less than another. i mean, i really like going places. its really just my favorite thing about life. wandering and watching and being amazed by everything. anyways i dunno.
sorry that last thing i wrote sounded kinda like im a prick. didnt mean it that way. just love wanderin, we should all finally do some wanderin together.
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