For example:
Over the weekend we walked/rode bikes to the Provo Bakery--like Joey and Jarom and I did when the posse was in town--and we got a few pastries to share. We ate them on the newly-emerged lawn outside the bakery (I got another piece of baklava, Dad, just to make you jealous). Now the thing about this little excursion is this--Jarom was on his bike with no training wheels. He's in the process of learning, right now, as we speak.
After the bike-riding, we hung out till midafternoon, then I grabbed Jarom and we drove to Outdoors Unlimited at BYU and rented some junior snowboard gear. We made it up to Sundance with about 45 minutes before the lift closed. I didn't bring my stuff, so this trip was just to help Jarom learn. We hiked up the base hill to where the tow-rope is, but sadly they turned it off at 3:30. So I strapped Jarom onto his board and pushed him up the hill, coaching him on how to hold his arms and lift or dig his toes and heels. I'd push him up then turn around and run down the hill with him as he rode. It was a nice little workout for me alone. We did this about ten times, then he wanted to try the base hill we'd hiked up. It was almost 4:30, so time to go anyway, and so we braved the hill. He did really well We're now looking around for used and maybe even new gear for him, and I plan to take him again this Saturday. Can't you image how fun it will be to snowboard with your boy after teaching him how? I'm pretty excited for it.
Monday night we went to the rec center and went swimming. The pool was very warm, 86 degrees. Amy and I are going to do a triathlon in St. George in April, so we took turns swimming some laps then playing with the kids in the shallow end. I think we gave Orion the wrong name--he should have been Poseidon. He rejoices in water, commands it. Next time we'll have to get some video. I tried teaching Jarom and Bella some swimming basics. They want to learn, so we signed them both up for lessons come June 2nd. Our kids all love the water. We left smelling very chlorinated.
So Jarom's in the midst of learning many things: biking (without training wheels), snowboarding, swimming, and each night we work on a reading/writing book and he's getting very good (the other night we read the sentence "Sam is mad at me.").
Another thing we've been doing is this: when I get home from work we go over to the school nextdoor. Bella rides her bike, and Jarom rides his without training wheels, while I run alongside him, watching and balancing. Amy and I play a little tennis as the sun goes down and you start to see you breath. The kids play on the playground, and Oey sits in a bundle of blankets and watches us. Our fingers go numb and once the tennis ball goes invisible in the air, we know it's time to go home.
So that's us right now. Here's to spring! --
Good job of posting for us babe. And for those of you who are wondering-Orion is eating rice and peas off the floor. They were on the table and he likes to throw his food off if he doesn't want it or to a play a fun game of watching mommy pick up my food.
oh my gosh i have never seen such cute EATING as orion in that video...good lordy, i am crying over it! i wonder why he smacks his mouth like that, is it sticky? whatever the reason it is absolute perfection and i want to cuddle him and squeeze him!!!
next, i cannot believe what a big, smart, outstanding boy jarom is! wow, he is really going through a "growth" spurt, huh, but the intellectual and capability-sort, not so much the growing-taller sort. anyway he is going to be another little renaissance man like all the beatty boys!
we didn't get to see much of bella in this blog but we all know what a doll she is anyway, and she is so cute in the springtime walk photo, coming up behind on her sweet little bike, fully outfitted in princess gear of course!
what a great family you guys are. i really admire you for your physical activity. amy, i found glory's blog and i have been looking at her marathon pictures - wow! is that what you are going to do, or is a half marathon? anyway i miss you guys and here's to more sunshine!
Nice going Jarom. You already can snow board better than Papa. Plus I'm too chicken nowadays. Keep it up. I love how your family is active and together Matt and Amy. Now about Oey eating from the floor. Wouldn't want to do that on my floor (unless it's been down there less that 5 seconds-Matt taught me that) That little Oey is always smiling. Love you guys
no lists. just want to recognize your sweet adventures Matt. nice to see that no time is being wasted.
I got a new DS game called Super Mario 64 DS, it's basically Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64, but transferred as playable on the DS. It's something jarom could actually play because it's not reading-intensive like Zelda. You should look for it, it's actually really really fun. I've been a little bit addicted - I mean, you collect stars, for goshs sakes.
anyway, I love to see Jarom snowboard. Matt someday he'll be better than us dangit.
Here's to early spring activities and the precious Beatty family and their adventures! The video of Oey eating is outrageous. He's learning to cluck his tongue. I remember doing that to you kids and you copying me. As for Bella on the bike - what a cutie and so earnest. And Jarom and his snowboarding - Wow - Jarom I could never do that, you are great! Amy you are beautiful as ever and a fun, fun mommmy and Matt, what a wonderful dad you are. Those are lucky kids (and a lucky Nana) What fun. You all are my heros. Love you, Nana
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