i have a blog. i am almost hesitant to share it because i am not trying to make ANYONE feel obliged to visit my blog or read my ramblings. seriously, it is mostly just for me and i am almost embarrassed to let the world know about it. but just in case you are ever bored and want some heatherland, well, my new blogspot is:
i will be posting story ideas, bits and pieces of thoughts, dreams, and enchantments floating through my head, sometimes school papers or ideas, and sometimes notes to myself for future creative inspiration. almost like a journal but just so i work on typing out my words instead of always just privately scribbling away in my journal.
little reminders to myself about what i love on this earth as a wee individual bit of mixed up starcarbon.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Awesome. I SHALL be viztin.
Hey Heather--I'm looking foreward to tuning into your blogspot. Your ramblings are always fun and interesting. It's late but I'm going to check it out right now. Hey what is starcarbon??
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