Heres a real sweet Mom with son; and family names he has learned segment
Susan, Joey and Jack (I love watching this one-all three characters)
Joey and Ally (I'm not sure if that is how to spell her name)
Sage Oak Court (look at those baked goods--umm, umm--and I really did care that Addie was tormenting you)
I’m going to do some blogging---incidentally, I forwarded an email to each of you guys that was a standup of George Carlin-for those of you who recognize that name-he is a riot and does a routine using every current clichĂ© imaginable. Sometimes he’s foul-mouthed but is tame in this one. So open it up and enjoy. I’m including 4 home video segments from 1989 that I think you will get a kick out of. Mostly of Joey and Susan but with appearances from all (with exception of Heather this time—I think). The camera back then was new and everything looks so clear and transfers real well, so I am delighted. Susan and Heather have seen this video recently I think, but I’m sure will find it fun to watch (probably even teary eyed). Now about Utah. Joey, Heather and I had a great time last weekend. We stopped in Lovelock on our way there to visit the Marzen house museum, but it was not manned like it was supposed to be so we couldn’t get inside. We did get to see some old relics outside. So then on to Prove and we arrived Thurs Eve. Feb 21. The kids were asleep and didn’t wake up until Fri morn at about 8:30P I heard Orion fussing and got up to change him and hold him for awhile. Then Jarom woke and came out to say hi, then Bella. It was so good to see them. We kind of hung around the house Fri, went to Deseret Ind… and then went out for pizza that eve, but it was so crowded that we ended up at CafĂ© Rio for dinner. Saturday was a nicer day weather wise so Heather and Amy went shopping and I read and slept and Matt and Joey played Guitar Hero endlessly. Later Amy and Heather played the game too. It was fun to watch them. We ate some wraps that included these little balls of tasty crumbs that I cant remember what they are called. Kind of like a flour tortilla with all kinds of salad fixings, the balls, and other tasty stuff wrapped up. I loved them. Sunday Matt, Amy and the kids went to church and then when they came home we all took a walk over to Seven Peaks water slide park and explored an old abandoned big rec hall building—took lots of pictures and sent Joey home in the rain (running) to get the jeep and come and get us to return to the house. Matt made salsa and Amy made open enchiladas and we feasted. We waited until about 2AM Mon morn and started for P’ville. The weather had turned nice, so it was a pleasant drive home. It was a very nice trip overall. Amy, I told your brother Willy, how impressed I was on how cozy you and Matt have made your home. It was so fun to stay with you guys. . We missed you Mikie; wish you could have been there. By the way, we saw Addie from the UK on Sat (I think) on Internet singing and playing piano. Well, it’s bedtime. Have a good week all. Love, Pops
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
I really really love you Mom. I really really love you Dad. you are my two favorite people in the world, and i never stop thinking about you all day long, every day of my life. you make my heart happy and sad all at once, all the time. thank you for being the two most wonderful parents a person has ever grown up having. i'm sorry it takes me watching a little video or two like these ones to remember such an obvious truth as that. i love you both, LA or Santa Cruz or Placerville or wherever my legs wander you are still affecting me. thank you for making us all very happy living real children. we will always be your children, and I your child. I love you.
Hi that was fun to watch!
BTW, is that Fidel Castro talking on the TV in the first one? Geez, the news guy makes it sound like it's 1940 or something! LIke an old radio style voice.
Great videos, Joey in the apron dress is my favorite. Super crit. And I love how no one notices or cares. Did he request wearing that thing? I have a feeling me and Heather put him up to it. Oh Lord, my voice is pure pure DORKDOM in that video chasing mom. Geez, I have always had a talent at really getting people's goat.
mikie what you wrote is so sweet and i agree. and yes these were so fun to watch and joey was the cutest little toddler in the whole wide world!!! yeah, addie if you watch the whole video, joey wears that apron thing all day and no one says a word and i am sure we put it on him, why? no clue. anyway dad thanks for writing a little about the utah trip...the crumbly ball things were called "falafel." thanks for driving/letting us go in your car because it was a great memory and i truly loved going with you and joey! addie, your turn next!
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