All night long on Wednesday Amy strung up green and blue streamers and hung blue and white balloons. She did it at night so that it would be a surprise for Orion. When he woke up Thursday morning, Amy brought him out to the kitchen and living room and he just looked around at everything, smiling and pointing. He loved it.
That night we had a party. There were 23 people here (including all kids and our family too). so it was pretty packed. It was a dinner party so we started with a really good salad, all laid out on the table like a spread, and two pans of Amy's now-famous homemade macaroni and cheese.
The kids had a dance-off to the Walk the Line soundtrack. They showed off some pretty sweet moves; Oey was the best head-bobber of the bunch. Sierra and Art's son Eli won. Then we had a huge Easter egg hunt in the front yard. Amy had filled probably hundreds of eggs with jelly beans and chocolates. The big kids had to be held back so the little ones could grab a few. I think Orion got two. But he was happy just sitting in the yard, watching all the kids running around and gathering eggs. It had been raining all day but the sky broke through in time for sunset.
The reason we had the ice cream frogs was because Bella wanted a princess party. Amy told her it wasn't her birthday, it was Orion's, and to that she said that Orion wanted a prince party. So they were frog princes. Also, Orion's big cake and the little cupcakes were all blue frosting with little Swedish fish on them--fish in ponds. Oey's a water baby so Amy thought of the cleverest things.
Happy first birthday! Oey kept trying to grab the flame so Amy had to keep the plate away.
A little apprehensive at first . . .
Taking the cake
Licking hands clean
The aftermath
Opening presents with everyone gathered round
Oey loves his ball
Reading Nana's card
Playing with his toys and wearing his new dapper tie
Amy showing off the ice cream frogs she made everyone, while a sly little hand comes from nextdoor and grabs the cupcake. The frogs were made of lime sherbet, halved gummy apple rings and Junior Mint eyes.
With Sierra and Art as they were leaving
wow that is the most efficient and well spread blog about a first year birthday I think I could ever read! Oey is so adorable smashing the cake to his face! And the fish on the cake, it's like Orion knew exactly what Amy was thinking as he points at his cake! How wonderful it must be to have a little cuddly family. I love you all to death. Is Oey gonna have red hair? I have thought that since he was tiny, but maybe it's just strawberry blond.
oh my gosh thank you so much for telling us all about it!!! orion sure had the grand celebration, huh?!! i love the ideas you had amy, the little fish on the cake, and orion is certainly a water baby in the astrological and the physical sense! and the froggies are so adorable, and that way bella got to think of it in her enchanted terms as well! i love in the picture of the card-reading, how jarom and bella are both watching on with very serious faces. also, i love the one where orion is pointing at one of the fish on his cake, right before he digs in, yes addie it's like he is appreciating his mom's hard work and crafty ideas! so so cute. he is the best little one year old. i bet it was so fun to just see him look around taking it all in and truly enjoying it...and how cute that so many people came to the festivities. orion also, i just have to note, has the sweetest little TEETH! but no he is definitely not going to be a redhead, if anything slightly and very slightly strawberry blond. a handsome little devil that is for sure.
incidentally, sierra's kids could never be mistaken for anything but stouts. wow. they look like tiny miniature zach and jeds. they are an adorable family and i am so glad you guys are all keeping in touch.
love and birthday hugs and kisses to oey!!! i cannot BELIEVE that i sent him a present that says "available only at wal-mart." i owe him something much nicer and more handmade and lasting and cool. problem is, when you're sending a package in the mail you just gotta pick something and get it on the way else it will be LATE! so there it was. anyway i do love all you guys much more than anything in the mail could ever show!
i forgot to mention, amy, your hair looks adorable and you are radiantly gorgeous in these pictures!
Heather-Oey Loves your gift.He made me open it the other the day. He is at a stage where he likes to put things in and out of things like that little boat. the top of it opens and closes. All things Orion loves. It's cute how he never tires of the little simple everyday things.
Happy, Happy Birthday Oey dear, how I wish I could have been there! What a wonderful party you planned Amy. I can't believe how many people came. What joy to have all those friends there in your sweet little home. All the activities sounded so much fun. I loved the cake and the cute frogs. What a darling idea to have a Prince Party! Oey is such an angel. I got my Picture today and he is the cutest baby in the world!! I miss you guys so much, Love you all Nana
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