Somebody has too much time on his hands
Well, been busy around the house today. So I put together a video of myself fixing the bedroom door. I made it in segments and was able to piece it together using windows movie maker. (didn’t even know I had the program until I discovered it by mistake) It’s fun. Haven’t seen Joey in a few days. If you read this Joey, check in if for no other reason than to see how Edward is fairing. Heto’s doing splendid. He is healthier than he’s been in some time. And here’s a significant thing to report. You know those hanging treats that are to hang in a Parakeets cage. You know, they have tasty seed of various types that Parakeets usually just love. But I have had one hanging in his cage for probably about 2 ½ years and he has ignored it until just the last 2 days, during which he has eaten more than half of it—and will probably finish it. The little stinker. Gee, maybe he will even take the initiative to whittle down his beak on his own now instead of letting it grow to a gross looking point and me having to trim it. Well, could things be any more exciting? Life is a cherry pie. So, there you have it. I love you all. Dad
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
DAD THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME! also that is the best news i've heard about heto all year. just think all this time i've been spelling it "hedo." anyway, i can't wait to see him chomping away at his healthy treat. now he can say "are you a good boy?" and nod his little head with pride. especially if he whittles that beak down a bit!
so you figured out how to make movies! i'm excited because next up: an epic adventure this summer all on film!
love you and glad you're enjoying that cherry pie!
Ok Danny, You are quite the actor. Good job! I'm so glad Heto feels better, See ya...
Life with you is a cherry pie pops. And who ever said that the beatty family could have their own tv show is right. I think we got found the star. And the show could be called Life's a cherry pie. That was a great how to video- you made it look quick and easy with some great small talk. Have you been taking acting lessons with Mikie? Love you papa xoxo
unfreakingbelieveable. I'm inspired Dad, both to plane doors and to edit videos.
dad hi! SOrry I have not called you back of late. This video is really pretty professional. You should start a how-to series that you post on you tube. How to change the car oil, how to change windshield wipers, how to make vhs into digital, how to polish shoes, how to feed Heto...etc. Heto. Dad, that is really the craziest name! His beak, maybe it will start naturally filing down!
I miss you!
WIth mikie right now, on mikie's computer. I got a migraine like those I get, on a hike today with mikie. SO my head hurts bad. I will maybe call tomorrow, from the train. Maybe my head will feel better.
Love you!
Heather--Well, I did name him after Hedo Turkoglu (weird spelling of his last name) and I guess I just thought it was Heto. So you are right. So doesn't really matter, his name will be spelled with a 'T' not a 'D'. I know he doesn't have much of a preference. That's how he will be known on the records of the Parakeet academy (is there one??).
dad it is actually quite hilarious that you named your parakeet after a NBA basketball star from the ukraine. a strange move, and i am sure it will go down in history in the academy.
Wow, so many comments! I finally watched this, and it's great. Incredible job, Dad. I agree with everyone else--it's a nice how-to video, and you should do more. I'm inspired to fix things now (though I did do many repairs to our ceiling fan as of late).
Adie--the LA trip sounds so fun. I/we want to go on a hike with Mikie too. Now where's your Provo trip on a train??
Love you guys.
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