i cleaned up my room the other day. like, i really tackled the problem with vigor. and it really had become a problem. but i put everything it some sort of 'proper' place and i even vacuumed (pretty thoroughly too) and i kind of made my bed altho with one blanket thats not too tough. i also did the 15 or so bowls and plates that were lying around in here. and nowi can sit on the floor and look around and for some reason it just feels better. it feels more like i could pack up and leave anytime i wanted, and head for new jersey or hop a train to british columbia or jump in the cargo bay of a plane to paris. but i dont need to do that now. for now ill just enjoy my clean room.
so it used to be that you guys posted tons on here and i never wanted to and i rarely checked. now i check it all the time and you guys arent writing much. now this is one of my subtle connections of placerville (slash utah) and my family so its actually pretty fun to read and comment on stuff, and even write my own sometimes. altho i still refuse to refer to these writings as "blogs," and i still feel that the person who came up with this ridiculous shortening of the word "weblog" should be stoned to death in the gallows.
anyways, i wanted everyone to know that there is an album thats defined life for me for a couple months down here. if anyone wants some beautiful, haunting, absolutely brilliant music to outline the pre-existing beauty of everything that exists, buy elliott smith's 'new moon.' its really amazing. some very gloomy, melodious tracks on here. no one knew musical composition like this brilliant songwriter. he just had a knack for never messing up. good job elliott smith. youre missed.
well it's 9:15 am and ive gotta be at work in a half hour. just wanted to say hello and oh yea! also im very excited for our trip to utah and we had BETTER climb timpanogos this time. i know we will. but it's quite stressed. im itching.
hey matt i just started a portrait of the artist as a young man. im only about 5 pages in because i was tired last nite when i started it but it seems pretty awesome, pretty abstract and innovative, a very very unique way of storytelling, and im excited to see what it pans into. thanks for it brother homie!
eddy says hi.
what should i eat for breakfast?
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
Joey, how bout oatmeal? I loved your "blog" and wish I could post some myself, but as it is, I have to steal a minute here and a minute there at work (very sneakily I might add). I'm so glad you cleaned your room, now I can sleep better! What a reader you are, I have never attempted "The Portrait of the Artist..." sounds too difficult! But I have read my share of great books! You should read "A Fine Balance" by Rohinton Mistry, it's about India and the untouchable classes and what life is like there, Wow. I too can't wait to see everyone during our Utah excursion. Love you so much, Mom
Joey, I feel so at one with you right now. This whole week- well all two days and a half so far, I also have been doing some crazy good cleaning. But the only thing I have to show for it is one clean kids room. I'm jealous of the kids room now. I love walking in there, everything single thing is in it's place and if it didn't have one, it's out! Out to the living room that is. Come on, the whole house can't be perfect. We are getting ready for the biggest yard sale ever. And about that book. My goal was just to read 10 pages a night. That worked till orion was born a week later. Then it took a month to finish the last half. Better luck to you.
This mom not having the internet thing sucks. Mom! You gots to get hooked up. For mom's bday we should all get it for her. Anyhoo- Joey, road trip USA!!!! Please let me know more about this. Also, how's recording going? Have you made a little poetry book yet? I have some books from my new dear friend Alessi- from London- and you might like them much for inspiration. I have to send you 50 dollars. I know! I got a new job, and what with NOT GETTING TO GO TO UTAH and all, I figure i will be making all the money I have been so short on whilst you are all gone. in the Utahvian sun. I am planning a plane trip over there to spend 4 days or so with the matt fam. maybe in September. Wanna go?
Love, your dear oldest sis. Old, older, oldest. 32, crikes.
Don't worry Joey I have a massive post about to come on here. I gotta get New Moon. It looks so intriguing and good ol Elliott is quite the best.
Good job on starting A Portrait (that's how they shorten it in cool James Joyce classes). It gets thick at times but Joyce is pretty brilliant, obviously, so I'm sure you'll love it.
foferino i miss miss miss you!! we had fun at our party with a motley crue the other night but i was definitely wishing you were here. i am so glad you cleaned your room, i'm with mom, now i can sleep at night...jk. but it does make my heart a bit lighter to think of my rad little bro in a slightly more organized room that is conducive to good thinking, good living and good dreaming.
my blogs are too boring cause they're like, hey guys, isn't daphne so fricking cute??!!! okay, but i'll post again..it's been a while. anyway i can't wait till two weeks from now when we're on our way to utah in the van! it's gonna be a much-needed, much anticipated escape...and soon you'll have an even bigger escape which i want to help you plan!
me and darin are gonna get that elliott smith album pronto.
love you~
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