I'm having significant writer's block since Heather actually requested that I post something on here about things.
It's interesting how your mind works when you're asked to do something, versus you just naturally wanting to do it. You somehow replace a part of your artistic vision with the business of pleasing others. It works though, if the other is truly pleased. Just you yourself feel like you've accomplished little more than a business deal, even if you did create something from scratch.
Business. What a subject to discuss amongst the Beatty family.
We are an anomaly: between 5 children from a decent middle-class upbringing, not ONE of us ended up starting any kind of business. Sure we all had to get jobs at the age of 15, and financially fend for ourselves throughout high school and into the world. But now here we are in our twenties and thirties with local service jobs that temporarily support our needs and that's IT.
How is it that none of us were fitted to professionally be in business?
Now I feel there are good, and not-so-good, ways to look at this. I believe first and most importantly, a good is that we all have the absolute capability to adapt to our environments and take care of ourselves. We can immediately survive. If there was a major earthquake or raging fire, I wouldn't be worried about any of your health because I know how capable we are. Even freaking Mom. She'd battle Satan himself before letting some fire ruin her quiet evening. This survival thing is definitely a biggie. I have this inkling that a large percentage of America cannot take care of itself as fully and committedly as we can. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that way. So thats a "good". Another good is the way we live so democratically. We believe in unwavering equality amongst people that sometimes we're even tyrannical in our passion; we fight for the mutual greatness in everyone, despite age, race, religion or ethnicity. We always try to see the "good" in people. In my experience with the adult world, that's a gem-of-a concept Society forgot to teach to like 85% of the population.
Excellent. We're survivors and we're lovers. We're not hippies, we are not elitists, we are not necessarily white collars, we are not old money or new money, and we're not even all that dysfunctional!
So here's where I get terribly confused. How is it that with such a recipe did our family so incredibly miss the boat about Business? How is it possible that along the way NOBODY decided to take up (with all of our intellectual brilliance and artistry) some kind of money-making idea that could have made even a little bit of money?
Matt sold a lot of stuff on eBay. But I wonder, were we to ever put our heads together, could we have concocted one of the most successful, profitable and socially influential businesses in the modern world? Probably!
But for some reason:
Joey's scraping by
Adie's scraping by
Heather's scraping by
Dad's scraping by
Mom's scraping by
Mikie's scraping by
and maybe even Matt's scraping by.
Seven people, Zero dollars.
What the HECK happened?!?
I leave this completely open to discussion. Nobody's excluded, so don't be shy. The economy takes no blame.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
yeah, we can't blame the economy since it's been this way for years! hey, but don't rule this out: we may all get rich someday!and then with our inherent sense of democracy we shall share our wealth abundantly!
i am currently writing a film that might make us millions, or at least thousands. maybe a hundred thousand. we'll see.
by the way, NOW is the time to buy property! my professor at school is looking at a piece of land right next to the american river for cheap, i don't know how cheap but like my film proceeds might cover it.
so we'll begin it! business wolrd, watch out. we're putting the FUN into funds.
by the way, THANK you for writing!
I'll start. Over the past year and a half I've been devoted part-heartedly to making a business out of my acting career. Candice says that a professional is defined as somebody who makes money doing something, so I continue to see myself as a professional actor. So I've kind of tried my hand at 'marketing' my skills so that I can in fact make money and maybe a living out of an acting career. It's like a mini freelance business. And sometimes you get contracted jobs for a day or two. But I have had no idea what I'm doing so everythnig is a varitable shot in the dark. Well, the nice thing about it is that I have the freedom to change things and alter things to meet the demands of whatever work I'm trying to get. Basically, it's extremel low risk and is more for fun and experience than for moneybor credit right now. We've all got this makeup. We make incredible art and have incredible conversations, but it's all for fun and at the lowest possible risks. I wish our family could take it's talents outside the comfort zone and risk the outside worlds opinions too! More than just friends and passerbys. I'm sick of us being so desperately broke-yet-smart. the bigger world needs more people like us. And I want to participate
Money or no money, I'm damn proud of my kids and their wonderful, beautious creative abilities! Look - so far three college degrees,(with no help from parents, financially anyway) Matt's doing alright, great in fact! he's got a wonderful job, a beautiful wife and a wonderful marriage producing three fantastic, best in the whole wide world darling grandchildren! Two other wonderful marriages bringing two great guys into our family who are also incredibly talented! Two beautiful, fantastic girlfriends who are just as important to me as if they were my own!! Heather's almost got her Master's Degree, Adie's a fantastic musician and political advocate, you, Mikie, are on Freakin' Disney Channel! Joey's gettin that degree too and he's an incredible guitarist and songwriter and a fabulous baker! You are doing acting and voiceovers and can write up a storm and do absolutely any job you wanted! What more could any mom want?! Five fantastic, beautiful, empathetic, caring, loving, talented, creative in many artsy ways (music, art, drama, poetry, literature, politics even for heaven sakes!) the list could go on and on!! Who the heck cares if we have alot of money as long as we have what we need and can enjoy our lives and be happy! Count our blessings every one!! Let's think Positivly and get the Good Vibes flowing for this country and get out of this slump!
I love you all so much, your Momma
DuDe! The best is yet to come! hate saying that because everyday is the best, even awful ones. I would not be surprised if everyone of you kids became very wealthy, but at the same time none of us are actually going for that. Yes, Heather may become rich and famous with this new film(which would be AWESOME) but that is not what she is going for. Same with Joey. Every time me and the kids are singing along with Joe and Em I get a little angry that he is not the most famous guy in the world. But again that is not what any of us are going for. Tell me this- you amazing actor, Do you want to act to be rich and famous? Or because you love it so full heartily and your great at it, you enjoy it. What more could you ask for?
More power to you Nana! We were writing ours at the same time. So I didn't get to read yours till after I posted mine. And I feel so awful because as I write this I sitting next to a box that was meant to be mailed days ago so you would have it tomorrow. Sorry Nana! We love you. And hopefully are love in a box will make to you soon. xoxo
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