The Grandma and Grandpa C's are doing well. They are so sweet. It is sad for me to see them aging and getting frailer each time I go. Even little Sierra their dog didn't get her 14 year old bones up to come running to see me when I got to the door like she used to do. Man, the passage of time kills me!!
Anyhow, Grandma made me a beautiful sage green crocheted afghan for my couch. I love it, it is so nice and warm and Grandpa made me a twirly windmill whirlygig thingie that has a hummingbird whose wings flap up and down for my garden. He made it out of wood and painted it himself. I think that is so sweet for them to spend their winter days making something for me.
Today I went to Mel's with Mikie and then he left. Grandma sent him some of the cookies he loves. She sent cornbread for the Darlington kids too. She loves you all so much.
I went to see New Girl in Town with Marcia today. It was a really good movie and funny! It had Renee Zellwegger and was about a small factory town in Minnesota. It was a good movie for these terrible economic times. A happy movie. Love to all my precious family.

mikie i am really sorry i didn't get to hang out with you more while you were in town. the talk at chipotle sounds partcularly fun!
momma what a nice blog! i am so glad you put one up...and i have to say, grandma and grandpa don't look so frail to me! they look quite spry, matter of fact. anyway i love the pictures and you did a good job. next time i'll help you so it won't be frustrating.
I want to see the picture of your afghan. That was so sweet of them to make you such thoughtful time consuming gifts. I can't wait to see that hummingbird up in your garden. It was sure nice to be able to talk to you for a moment last night. We got your box today and the kids were so pleased and giddy the rest of the day- I was too. We love you Nana. Thank you for sending all the love. xoxo
Sounds like you guys had so much fun. Mom I'm really glad you made this blog. Keep it up! I'd love to do some hanging out with you guys too . . . One day.
I love that you and Heather call them the GCs or the Grandma and Grandpa Cs. Cool nicknames.
The passage of time is such a wonderful and difficult thing. It's also pretty miraculous, something we often take for granted.
Love you.
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