My sweet husband got to share in the joy of this historical day in a personal way since it was also his 31st birthday. Here is Darin immediately post-vote:
Joey and Emma preparing to go in and cast their votes:
We met Addie and Art for breakfast at Mel's. French toast and potatoes and eggs...yumm..
And rampant patriotism. We are jazzed for the big day!
Later, after school and work, we all met at Zack and Rebecca's house for the birthday/elections party. Here are the boys deep in discussion. Even Sinjin hung out with us! Debby and Christy came too but I didn't get any pics of them which I am so sad about!
Seriously patriotic...Addie and I have never felt so happy to be Americans and to see real hope and change possible for this country. And this was BEFORE we found out the results!
Addie made special cupcakes:
Here's a close-up. As you can see they say "DARIN" and "OBAMA"!!! Yeah!!!!
Just MOMENTS after 8:00 pm we find out the big news!!!! Welcome PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!
It was a pretty emotional moment. Especially when we talked about the 109 year old woman, a daughter of a slave, who voted for Obama in Texas. This feels like a real moment of healing for our country.
Watching Obama's historical victory speech.

Even Sylvan is thrilled!
Later we got down to birthday business and Darin opened presents and had cake. Here he is with his present-opening-helper and the new Holga camera I got him. 
All in all, it was a wonderful day. We were bummed, of course, that Prop 8 passed, but we know that it has also sparked an ongoing battle for civil rights that will not end here. Consciousness changes and hearts grow bigger! Remember the Grinch! Anyway we talked on and on about idealism and realism and political motivations and possible changes and expectations and social systems and all the associated concerns and joys. It was late when we finally all parted and although we have our political disappointments (Prop 8 eliminating citizens' rights) we also have much cause for celebration and hope. Prop 2 passed with a landslide vote, so at least we know Californians care a little about animals. Also we are going to get our new train! So good things are happening and nothing is gonna stop us a nation and also as a state we have great potential and the youth and the idealists have spoken.
All in all, it was a wonderful day. We were bummed, of course, that Prop 8 passed, but we know that it has also sparked an ongoing battle for civil rights that will not end here. Consciousness changes and hearts grow bigger! Remember the Grinch! Anyway we talked on and on about idealism and realism and political motivations and possible changes and expectations and social systems and all the associated concerns and joys. It was late when we finally all parted and although we have our political disappointments (Prop 8 eliminating citizens' rights) we also have much cause for celebration and hope. Prop 2 passed with a landslide vote, so at least we know Californians care a little about animals. Also we are going to get our new train! So good things are happening and nothing is gonna stop us a nation and also as a state we have great potential and the youth and the idealists have spoken.
Hooray for change! We know nothing is going to happen immediately, but I feel that this election represents a shift in values that will lead us to a better version of humanity.
happy birthday darin. wish we could have partied with you. i'm so glad you all voted. i can't wait to see how your pictures turn out with your new camera. love you darin xo. btw- was addie crying in that picture, oh joy!
such a swell day!
such celebration!
sadness due to prop 8, but TRUE HAPPINESS at our president elect. wonderful news. hopefully great things to come. a democrat for president, FINALLY. watch history unfold and watch us regain respect throughout the world.
lots of fun, i had a LITTTTTLE too much to drink tho...
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