(Dang, I can't get the first photo to show the adorable look on Jarom's face. It's like completely stoked and a tiny bit worried. Matt can you make the right border a bit thinner on the blog so it doesn't cut off the photos? I tried to make the photo centered or more to the left, but it didn't help....)
Jarom, I know I hardly ever see you, but I miss you, and I love you! You are so curious, so energetic, so determined, so fun to be around! You have quite a lifetime ahead of you filled with discovery and expeditions, family, art, music, and mazes! I want to come visit during Christmastime and see lights decorating all the houses and dress up in scarves and mittens and go to a parade! I hope you have the best birthday ever, and just know....that a late birthday gift shall arrive this week!
All my heart,
aunt Adie
i love you jarom!
im twelve minutes from too late!!!!
matt and amy, please tell jarom im so sorry i couldnt do something so fun and so new and amazing to celebrate his birthday for him this year, but that i love him so much, and being there a few weeks ago with him was inspiring and amazing and tell him im going to make him a maze or two and send them to him.
i love you jaroM! happy birthday my little genius buddy.
I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!! these pics are killing me. i love that he actually likes to be in pictures and he'll go, hey, take a picture dad! can't wait to see how great he gets at snowboarding this year. six years old...it's amazing! it is one of my favorite ages and i remember a lot about being six which is exciting because he is turning into a wise little person who will carry this selfness into the future. we love you so much jarom!
so cute!! I had Jarom sit on my lap and I read it to him. He really liked the part about a late birthday gift and about a maze or two. We love and miss you guys too!! but it is almost Dec. and we will be there before you know it at nannies cozy little cottage!! Thank you Addie xoxo
i just love the bottom picture here so much. what a roamer, wild and free, kicking up dust as he rambles along in the strange landscape. a wise soul in the making.
I can't believe that precious little roung baby boy is 6 years old!! Where do all the moments go? I love you so much Jarom, I'm so proud of you and how you are so smart and curious about everything! You are my little genious. I hope you have fun with all you presents, Thank you for posting this Addie, I love the pictures and the horny toad too! Love to all, Momma/Nana
I meant to say round not roung! He was such a cute little roly poly baby!
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