I love to see people being reasonable...writing longer, well-thought-out advocations for their positions. One good example of this is the facebook conversation Matt has been contributing to; each person articulates him or herself with respect and dignity.
Here is a link if you are curious. I'm not sure if you can go to it or contribute without having a facebook account:http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=40185448487&ref=mf
Here is an extremely enlightening and thoughtful website:
It is great to try to understand the other side to every story. To have respect for each other and then to vote according to what is right, not just from your own moral convictions but with true justice and mercy and freedom in mind.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Right on. The facebook conversation is rad, and there are some great statements and arguments being made...also some pretty ridiculous and somewhat mindless ones as well...but lets not focus on those. Matt, you have some awesome things to say. Brilliant point is this: Domestic partnership=seperate but equal=segregation=unconstitutional and illegal.
nice heather! Matt and I have both been writing on other blogs and facebooks about this and we both got the same exact response back. It's so crazy to me that they all come back with this same line. "Well, did you hear about the teacher who took her class to her wedding." And we can say YES a million times over now. It is sad that they don't know the real setting behind it all. And I feel bad that people are afraid and scared. They have all been misinformed and just need to look into it just a little to see that all will be well and the earth is surely not going to burn because of this. I have been taught over and over again to live by faith and not fear. That Satan uses fear to mislead us and keep us from what we need to do. Don't they see that there is no reason to fear. But to give our love to everyone, even pray for those who spitefully use us. To love everyone as thyself. I'm a firm believer that love is the only way. I love you Heather.
A good business all around. I'll say no more, because I think I've said enough so far.
Thanks for the commentary compliments Joseph.
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