two weekends of moving: boxes, knickknacks, hauling, lifting, shoving, driving, standing around trying to be helpful...kind of. first we helped addie and art move in to their adorable funky new little house on highway 49.
this is their long skinny hallway:
nettie roosting in her carrier, none too pleased.
barefoot beauty.
a typical dad moment, and i like martin in the background being sheepishly sweet.
so now there are two new placerville households with porches to gather on and sunshine to sit in and cats to pat and fish to watch and food to eat and wine to drink and conversation to share. things are already shaping up at both new residences to be quite inviting.
now if i can just get my own house in order and decorated for halloween...the new ones are cuter!
Can't wait to see everyone's new home this Christmas. It will be so crazy and fun to have everyone together. And I love love love your shirt in the last picture Heather!
Heather, thank you so much for chronicleling (is that a word?) our moves, It's been hectic and sad for me but I'll make my new place way cute and inviting for all. I love my family so much and am so grateful for everyone's help and Martin too, what a doll! I went to Art and Addie's new place yesterday and I absolutely love it, we are so lucky to have each other. Mattie's birthday is in two days and I need to focus, focus, focus now that the move is over!! Whew! Thanks Heather for all you do even though you are so busy with school, teaching, working, homework, etc! Your home is cozy and darling and welcoming, we all love your home and you and Darin too, thanks for always being a safe house to run too with comforting kitties to pet and cozy places to sit and talk and drink coffee. I love you honey, Momma
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