it was my first trip to apple hill this year. mom and addie and i went up to camino, checked out the thrift store and then headed to high hill ranch where we pigged out on apple treats. it was almost closing time so the kid at the bakery counter hooked us up with some free doughnuts including an apple fritter! it was a gorgeous day and it now actually feels like fall.

It all looks so delightful. Why does it look so warm there? It's too cold here. We all went to bed with two pj's on. And Heather look into that school. That U one. I think Matt will end up going there. Just because it will be easy. And he will be able to go back to school sooner if we don't need to look around for a home and school.It would really just be perfect for us. We have heard really great things about it. So yes, your moms nightmare is coming true - we are never moving back. Well, at least anytime soon. Give us another 5 years - give or take. Love you!!! xoxoxo
Wow--Amy just made the ultimate confession. Anyway, love the apple hill trip. It really is cold up here, so it's good to see fall up and running somewhere! We wish we could go to apple hill more often . . . I'm now craving my honeycrisp.
the above statements are depressing
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