I respect the nomadic traveler; he has been through some and will inevitably be through some more. As a family I don't necessarily believe we are nomadic, even if we sometimes dream to be.
In other words, I feel that our place is not a temporary place for visits. What is more permanent than a memory? When all else fails, we still have them. I would like, in our sojourns, that we create more memories to add to the pool. It's a given that we will sojourn where e'er we go, and so this is a place for of comfortable retreat, a sanctuary, an unshakable place that stands in opposition to the temporary.
Maybe we should name our site "Sojourn Returns of the Family of Beattys"
just thoughts
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Very good points, all. I was just thinking that each post is kind of like a little sojourn into a certain place for us, so it's only temporary as we write it and remember it right then and there, but that memories are both permanent and temporary at the same time . . . Nice stuff to ponder.
Plus, we can change the title of the blog as frequently as possible. I just change it up for fun, usually the first thing that pops into my head.
We should change its name weekly.
rightful. Matt's that's awesome. I'll admit I was the changer of Movement < Beatty, so I'm very cool about any changes. I was just feeling the urge to blog for a sec, and that was the first thing that popped into my somewhat distracted existence. :) I dig the word sojourn, actually. So We shall keep. HEY and by the way, I revived mikiebeatty.blogspot.com with some edits. if you're ever interested to do review. Heh, yeah. Its funny because when that original blogspot existed, I always thought of it as temporary ideas rather than actual ways of living. Sucks that the temporary becomes permanent once it's published, you know? anyway, small thoughts.
I just read the book Beloved for my class and the characters say "rememories" and at the end "disremember." I find the concept of memory particularly intriguing and problematic. Our memories are our own, unique and always becoming, never static. So, Matt, you are right, permament and temporary at the same time. When we share a little moment or memory, it becomes bigger and we change and shape time. I know this is why I am obsessed with writing everything down and I don't think I will ever regret keeping a journal for most of my life, no matter how stupid they are sometimes. Anyway I like the way you guys are thinking. and by the way, everyone should read Beloved if you haven't already, but I warn: it is an intense read and you must try to see the story and the "rememories" contained in the full historical context.
Heather I actually own Beloved, have heard a lot about it and want to read it. Your recommendations here might just push that one into my next-in-line. It's either that or Red.
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