"This is where Navajo falls was. This is the aftermath. The village is upstream of this, everything else like the campground and other falls are downstream. The perspective is way off since you can't really put a person in it. However, the path to the campgrounds was practically destroyed along all ways and is treacherous. www.havasupaiflood.com"
This photo can be found on his Facebook profile, here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31443976&id=29007392&l=9f3f0.
He also has a video on YouTube and some other stuff. He has a website called havasupaiflood.com, where he talks extensively about his trip and experiences there, and what happened to Navajo Falls. So it's this business that worries me more than anything else. This guy seems legit, but don't you think this would have made *major* news if it were true? And his description of "why" and "how" on his website sound accurate. If it's really gone as he says it is, we were quite lucky to have seen it. I guess only time (and a return trip!) will tell.
Maybe I'm just paranoid.
UPDATE: This guy's blog (http://tyler-isupa.blogspot.com/) talks about his experiences, and he has before and after pictures of Navajo Falls. I guess it wasn't obliterated, but the whole area above it was, and so now no water is getting to it. There are new falls above it that divert the water. Wonder if the tribe will try to reroute the river to go back over Navajo, or use the new falls as a tourist-inducing device. This will be really interesting to see what happens over the coming months.
Are you sure that is Navajo falls? Where is our south pacific paradise? I don't believe it. That is so sad. It is too insane to fully believe. So sad.
love the new motto/ creed.
This news of Navajo disappearing makes me so sad that I didn't see it.
Maybe I will see a new falls with a new name next time...? So strange how this all went down so close to our beauteous time there.
Actually I'm not quite sure it was Navajo Falls - the path would've crumbled if we went on much further. Unfortunately, I didn't think to get a picture of the path itself. Either way, there will be some people there next week who will hopefully get some good pictures.
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