i had a dream last nite that involved everybody and the grand canyon. not so much havasu falls, basically in my mind i invented an area of the canyon that we were never at. here's my dream.
we were all exploring up some little side canyon that had some relatively famous massive boulders balanced on some rocks or something up ahead. the hike was tough and it was a difficult climb up some weird clifflike wall things to get around the last corner to view the massive boulders. well, actually there was just one boulder that was really very famous, with a few other smaller ones that were just added bonuses. anyways, there was this big group of guys, irritating dudes like my age overflowing with testosterone, and they went up the cliffs before us. there was literally like 40 of them, and they were all yelling and being loud and you could see the canyon walls shaking and dust coming off them. we yelled at them to stop yelling...how ironic...telling them they were going to shake the boulder loose. they went out of sight around the corner, but we could still hear them. at this point, me and matt started back, getting scared. then it started shaking really bad like an earthquake, and we turned around the see that massive boulder like some indiana jones scene toppling down the canyon. we started running fast as we could, but then it was upon us. the boulder was right behind us, and we were running in lightning bolt patterns like we were dodging bullets. it was like the boulder was chasing us, me and matt. finally we did some sweet fancy footwork and got behind it, and it rolled away.
the aftermath is unknown, left to the hazy abyss of dream head. i dont know if anyone in our family died, but i think all those kids did.
it was crazy.
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
joey. Crazy. I had a wild dream too last night. I wish it involved being back in that red dust though. damn, I want to live there forever. Or at least for parts of forever, forever.
I am glad you and Matt got wise to the path of the boulder. In my dream there was an earthquake too, and the road that was once flat turned as steep as a roller coaster and i had to drive it in a van. It was kind of awesome, and scary.
See you soon brother fine.
people are having matching dreams lately, what is this? darin and stan both dreamt they had to slaughter animals gruesomely a few nights ago. anyway, last night (unrelated) my dream was also about the family but we lived in a cluster of houses which had grass roofs that caught fire and dad was helping put it out and i was trying to rescue beanie jane and running around trying to figure out what to save. i think the new cool weather is spurring strange dreams. tho your dream was a lot radder fofe.
Wow I'm finally commenting. I'm glad you posted and recorded your dream. Dreams are spectacular. I'm also glad it was a bit strange and weird, as dreams tend to be, but probably symbolic and meaningful, as dreams also tend to be. I'm also glad I survived.
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