here's how it's gone down:
mom, nancy and ellie came to my work for lunch. i had to rush out of there early, promising to come back later to roll my silverware off the clock, in order to meet them at the theater to see "MAMA MIA!!!" my new favorite. i am kind of obsessed. you might not have thought so in the first ten or fifteen minutes or so. addie and art met us there and i was looking at ade like, you gotta be kidding me. well it didn't take long to just get fully enchanted by the rad girly loveliness and exuberance. maybe that it what sparked my girlfriend-love-week.
all my girlfriends came over with the bridesmaid dresses we are wearing for rebecca's wedding. they are slinky pieces of "apricot-sandalwood" colored fabric that we each wrap around us in various styles. we got crazy pretending to be jane austen heroines and crying out "wickham! willoughby!" and then when stan arrived we made him do a photo shoot of us.
here is our girly pop band shot in front of green screen:
that night stan, martin, doniella and carolann all slept in my backyard under the stars. so the next day was
it was amazing. after jumping and swimming in the gorgeous sunshine, we made our way upriver to the cave. here is martin peeking out:
i just like this action shot, hiking in bathing suits.
doniella and i both went back downriver IN the water, through little waterslides and rapids on our behinds. it was so fun, like being five years old. we kept yelling "WOO HOOO!" just out of sheer joy and rapture.
emily has a rad new song on which she plays the autoharp. the audience was sufficiently impressed with this duo. they were pretty amazing and all their songs that night had a strong sociopolitical message. it was fun to have mom there too.
we all came home and created another feast. black beans/falafel wraps, a giant salad, avocado and tomato and cucumber and all sorts of yumminess. here's the kitchen crew:
mikie took this, big surprise.

brittany allison is a real darling.
oh, oh oh, summer fun, summer fun.

now it's friday and we had another busy day with movie making. carolann is the star and emily is a major role as well. darin and stan got over an hour's worth of good footage today, and they are becoming real experts at creative shots using such high tech equipment as wheelchairs and roller blades and black food coloring.
stan and carolann went for a run to get some produce at savemart for a big scramble breakfast which doniella helped cook. this is what i woke up to. jan came over too, she rode her bike into town from swansboro! i am surrounded by people in the BEST shape! (inspiration? nahhh...) anyway, so we all decided to go to that beautiful river spot you have to hike to by mosquito bridge.
we all went to fresh mex and had mexican popsicles and the got ready to drive to grass valley in two carfulls to go to the show addie was putting on at coffeetown. FEVER DREAM! woo hoo!
i worked in the morning but we had all gotten the idea to have a barbecue after i was off work. so we planned it at my house, and when i got home from work jan (stan's mom) was already there cutting up delicious farmer's market veggies for cucumber salad and for grilling. only we quickly realized, we have no barbecue!!! so we called up dad, and joey went to pick up his bbq while doniella and i went to the store for more supplies. another fun night eating and drinking, family friendly style!
the men played botchy ball while the women cooked. just kidding, see above, mikie was a pretty savvy bbqer.
emily's brother and his friend evan joined us!

parents showed up! cross generational fun!
sylvan was overjoyed to see nana sue.
even doniella's dad, jim, came by!
the night ended with a nice mellow hang out with the ladies. look at these foxes!
bandini got pretty worn out, here he is with his momma.

parents showed up! cross generational fun!
another river trip, this time to lotus. more swimming, singing, and yarnspinning. darin is playing the tiny backpacking guitar that stan found in the trash and fixed up.
now it's friday and we had another busy day with movie making. carolann is the star and emily is a major role as well. darin and stan got over an hour's worth of good footage today, and they are becoming real experts at creative shots using such high tech equipment as wheelchairs and roller blades and black food coloring.
the future looks bright!
happy new moon!
What a fun week. I love stans mom. She is the sweetest lady ever. I so glad she is hanging out with you guys too. Heather, I had a girls night to see Mama Mia. Me and the girls loved all the dorkyness way too much. I loved all the singing, even the people who couldn't sing well were fun. And I'm also dying to own every single thing they had there, I can't get over it. Everything they had was so beautiful and so full of color and life. You lady's look so wonderful in your dresses. I can't wait for their wedding. I feel bad that we don't do that much or so as many people when we are in town. Where is all the fun and everyone when we are there. So not fair. Still love you though. xoxo
Heather I have had so much fun with you this summer. You make things happen and in a wonderful way. I'm already sad thinking about you going back to school and being too busy to hang out! I need to spend more time with you because since I moved out I've missed you guys alot. It's the price I have to pay for my little cottage. By the way, this morning about 5 a.m. I saw a beautiful deer up on the terrace eating out of the bird feeder. It was lovely and graceful - so sweet to see. I love you honey, Momma
Holy awesome picture collection. Mikie you look great in that black shirt. I think Darin should have a mohawk--it looks like he has one in that picture of him playing guitar and it's incredible. Wish we saw the Fever Dream show. Word is they's magnificence incarnate. Great stuff going on back in hometown California, sung to the tune of Hotel California.
Heather your bridesmaid dress photos are soooooo rad and perfect. This blog takes the cake. All the photos are yum.
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