So far this month, this merry may in which i was released from mumma's happy womb, i have really upgraded my state of being. Here shall be a brief list.
1. I quit my redundant, overbearing job at the grungy old placerville cinema
2. I wandered the prairie lands and badlands and foggy midwestern cities and black soiled hills and bony rockies, which I've always wished for, and I couldn't be happier about that quick stint of time spent lazily getting lost.
3. I moved to a big, spacious, warm and brightly lit room in a weathered teetery house on a hill in Santa Cruz, with two tall windows leading to a splintered wooden deck and the slanted roof which overlooks the hazy bay and snaking wharf and all of the bushy lumps of coastal trees and cinderblock stucco redbrick houses and hotels and buildings all over town.
So things are good, family and friends.
Today I awoke at 3:30 am out of a groggy stupor and brewed thick coffee and drank it deep and packed up the final sundries into my strong bench of a backseat and said goodbye to mum and headed out for the final time in that now-previous phase of my life. I went and picked up Matt from Heather and Darin's and said hello to the sweet kitts whom I probably won't get to see for some time, at least until June 30th. I drove Matt to the Sacramento International Airport and on the way we listened to Limbeck and Rob Crow and things were jolly, despite the early hour and our sleeping souls, because brothers seem to be kindred spirits.
I let him out at 5:30 am and proceeded to press the crooked gas pedal in my sloppy volvo for a good consistent three hours or so, onward to the Pacific sea. I stopped on Mission Blvd. in San Jose at the Starbucks, of course, and got fruit and yogurt and granola and refilled my coffee and sat around gladly thinking, "At least I never had to live in San Jose."
Finally I arrived in foggy downtown Santa Cruz and parked my car, headed up into the house. I met Alex again and we sat in the living room talking about things. He is friendly and levelheaded and I am happy to share the same squat as such a boy.
In came everything I wish to own from the backseat and trunk of my car, all pulled and lumped into place, and I sat amazed and in awe at my life. Stan and I went to Taqueria Vallarta around 1 pm and Mikie called and met us and we got delicious delish dishes without fishes and then I went over to the parking office and got myself a residential permit for 20 dollars which allows me to legally park on the metered street in front of my house without depositing little slivers of silver into the meter, EVER, which is nice.
I proceeded to spend the day walking all over town with Mikie, loading up on some fresh potatoes and cereal and lettuce and hummus and cheese and beans and pretzels and broccoli and other things at Trader Joe's.
Here I am at my computer, laying narrow on my stomach typing on my computer, which has internet via my trusty old Belkin wireless adapter.
Things are good.
love y'all
-joey fofe
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
Joey, your house there sounds like a fairy tale house, something right out of a Tim Burton cartoon. I'm so happy for you, sounds like good changes all around. Love you so much...Mum
yes joey and a new leg of the journey begins - hooray! now you have to read black elk speaks. that is my new assignment for you.
Hey Joey, your mom and dad and the whole family love you so much. Hope this is the start of a great time for you. Watch your topknot (from Jeremiah Johnson)Love
Joey. How is the new job going? Do you like it or hate it? I will call you.
PS. I am gonna come visit soon. I miss you!
wear bandaids, darnit! I am sitting here half-awake, truly worried about the state of your messed-up hand 7 feet behind our room-dividing curtain. Truly. I wish I could have put some sort of medicinal thing on it, or at least helped close the thing until tomorrow morning. Dude, you BETTER be alive tomorrow. I would hate having to deal with your body. For my sake, don't freakin die..
Isn't that what life is always all about - where all our fears spring from and our worries lead back to: Death. It's like, everything we ever get scared of somehow relates back to the death of ourselves or the deaths of others (which ultimately affects our own survival/death). Fear = death? Candice said this quote tonight: Live for happiness, not fear. Shoot, it was something like that. Anyway, I fear too much. I do live a lot, but I also am always safe safe safe. I guess I could throw a bit more caution into the wind, every now and again.
If there's one thing I have always been, it's Fiddle-Faddle Bodyguard.
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