Well what do you know. Here we have Susan showing her appreciation for Mikie as he stands proudly at attention. Just thought the family might enjoy seeing how Susan caught the Mikie in such a serious pose to honor him with a salute from the long pink horn. She even packed her purse along. It's amazing how she came along just at the right time and was able to be an unplanned part of his Shakespear play. But there was a round of applause at the end of the scene. I bet that you think that this is a fake and that Stan showed me how to do it. Well, you might be very wrong. Then again.........................
Love papa
sorry, but did everybody miss this one? how was it that i just now saw this - so that I knew I must repost it - what?!
dad. if only you knew. as i stood there in charge (of course) such images were already running through my mind. you, Papa Freud, have tapped into a land of the dangerous subpsyche - well well, well done.
See, Dad created this a few days ago, then saved it and never posted it. When he finally decided to post it (today), it was already two or three days older than our newer ones. That's why it showed behind the others.
You can change the date of a post (under post options) so that it appears in a different order. For now I just drafted his old one so it only appears once.
Anyway, Dad, I already told you, but I love this photo. And caption. very clever.
ahhh-- the famous horn-blowing picture dad has been talking about for so long. you never know just what is gonna float dad's boat. a real true character. anyway, pops. this is amazing, you are very clever!
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