This is Jarom, posing on his last day of snowboarding this year. He walked over to the creek and requested the picture.
Last week was a perfect day to go kite flying. Jarom suggested it, so we went over to the park. It was the first time that Jarom did it by himself! He was doing great, and then disaster struck. A very sad day. See for yourself:
Oey watching the kite flying action (you can't see the kite here, only the raven Oey was eyeing).
First round of kite flying--look how well he's doing!
And then . . . it happens. It drops.
The kite, stuck among the reeds, never to be recovered. It may still be there to this day.
Okay, and I wanted to say THANK YOU to Mikie for the rack. I've got it all installed (after a few bumps and hiccups), and it's awesome! We are going to St. George right now, and it will be holding our bikes for our triathlon. Thanks again Mikie! Doesn't she look great? (minus the dirt-speckled car, of course).
Thanks Mikie!
Okay, lastly--I chopped the hair last night. 04.07.2007 - 04.17.2008. One year and ten days. It was a hackjob; I just picked up the scissors and cut away. Looks okay for now.
We've got much more news coming in the future, especially regarding a recent acquisition of ours. . . . More on that later.
yeah! i love the updates! mattie, first off your hair looks really really good. for a "hack job," you are pretty darn good hairstylist, no joke. one year or more is a long time to grow your beautiful hair, but changes are good for the soul. you will be lighter and airier for the triathlon. next, i love so much the top pic of jarom, so tough guy in his snowboard outfit and yet so little in his sweet sweet face. mna, what a kid. he is so amazing. i can't believe that all by himself he flew that kite. the experience was probably so worth it...looks like it. oey on the grass checking out the scene is so cute too, darin would probably think he is a little mystic, gazing up at the birds. anyway can't wait to hear the big news (?) of this mysterious new acquisition. write soon. love you MUCH!
What a great memory that brings back. Used to hang tails off kites I flew depending on the strength of the wind. You could get them up to where you almost couldn't see them. I have great memories of kite flying. So will your gang. The kite stuck in the pole and wires reminds me of the forever pair of shoes hanging on the line outside of 905 Darlington--wonder how long they will last. Just want to grit my teeth and hug Oey everytime I see his picture.
finally I can comment. so - those kite videos are truly awesome. i wish i could play with jarom. tell him that picture of him by the cool river is awesome! I really like it. also, matt I am now envious of your car. i become oddly aroused by the sight of a car with a nice rack on the top of it.. well done on getting it on so perfectly! You mechwarrior is finally complete - equipped for many battles ahead. And last of all, where's this new Audi beast? why haven't you graced Blogspot with its presence?
by the way, I see you have some nice photos uploaded onto here. are they from Flickr perchance? wish i knew how to get a photo from Flickr to blogspot without it getting chopped in half
Hey Mikie, I did finally respond to your Flickr on blogspot question, so check the comments there and you should see instructions on how I do it.
And these photos aren't from Flickr, they're actually just uploaded through the blogspot interface. You've used that before, right?
Oh yes, and you can view the Audi right about here -- Audi post and pictures.
Hey Dad, I too know that pair of shoes you're talking about. I remember living in Santa Barbara for a while (okay it was Isla Vista), and there were shoes hanging from powerlines everywhere.
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