Monday, September 24, 2007

welcome back fofe!

he's back! in all his smelly-armpit, loving life, polaroid taking, poem making glory! our rambling brother returns from his hero journey.


Mikie Beatty said...

and he's got cheeese danish, cheeese danish

AdieSpringB said...

phoser. What. Guns, police, girls..... yikes!

Papa Dan said...

welcome back Joey from an adventurous trip. I'm sure you will always remember highlites of the journey. You now have faced a predicament that never in my life have I faced. I have never been held up at gunpoint (never even been held up at all) Glad you are past that experience and all well and home. Hey what's Mikie mean by cheese, danish etc?? Love you Joey

Amy Beatty said...

Those two pictures have made my day. Thank you. ding ding ding dong.