the more fool I.
So, I'm sitting in this larger-than-expected library, gracing the center of Santa Cruz's Cabrillo campus. I'm at a desk of computers divided by little wooden cubicle walls, each having a set of earphones for the user, all available first-come, fist-serve, FREE for anyone to walk up and use. And the best part is, everything is clean quiet and peaceful in here this place! (It's very possible that I might end up here often when I need some seclusion or a place to use the neternet)
Yeah, so I'm in Santa Cruz. I had a nice long drive this morning that ended in a nice long interview for an nice little job as a money-making singing bread boy for farmer's markets on weekend. Then I had another nice long interview (over the phone) for a children's theatre job that turns out would pay me nicely, accomodate my schedule, and possibly have me travel temporarily out of state!
And the best part to both of these things: both jobs will end come December, leaving me with another exciting chance to start my life all over again...hopefuly by then with a totally ew perspective about art and work and how to let life be without uncertainties clouding up my vision.
You know, the other day I went to Nevada City, I had some kind of awakening. I think it was talking to Adie, or maybe just walking around the streets of Grass Valley. It just that we can do amazing or beautiful things regardless of where we choose to move. Localness is lovely, and everywhere is local. Coming off of school all I wanted was to make money and live in a big city and start a crazy "professional" life. But after all this summer has passed, well I know some new things. I'd like to share:
I know that traveling between people and places is quick and easy and should be done more often,
I know that Provo, Utah smells beautiful and has clean streets at 9 in the morning,
I know that Los Angeles smells like sewage all day and all night, that it is full of money-making music-takers, mainstream swagglers, sideways glancing supermoochers dealing sweat and fancy Zacs for a glossy life to show off and make the ladder shrink between its rungs.
I know that LA takes forever to drive into, forever to drive around, and only minutes to drive out of.
AND I finally know how to understand my family in a way I could never see them before. After all of this stuff, here we are. Our family makes riches into rice, twangs a prancin' beat from every heart string; dude, you guys. I don't even have to say anything. Time is less than we are, I have no doubts or questions.
Except one: what's next?
Love you guys! Sorry for all the blogs.
-Mikie, Cabrillo Library, Aptos, Ca 5:09pm
Polly in Petaluma
3 weeks ago
good call dude.
sorry for all the blogs??? yeah right mikie! this is wonderful and i can't wait to talk to you. only thing is, i am going to grocery outlet and raleys right now and I MISS YOU!!!
I meant to comment on this long ago, and now it's much in the future, so just know, that I read this, that I enjoyed it and I enjoy both LA and cruzer but couldn't pick between one so good for you for choosing and doing, and stand by your choices. Yep.
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