Each of us.
Ideas....for.....what would we do if we suddenly got really rich. Like suddenly we had 15 million dollars each.
Art says he would
1. Give his family a sh-- ton of money.
2. Make a record label for all of his friends to get on, and they would all get famous BECAUSE Art had so much money, but they deserved it anyway.
3. Buy Heather and Darin and Joey and Emily a house so they can do rad stuff and not have to pay rent even though they would already have tons of money which Art gave them.
1. Buy about 100 acres somewhere beautiful and build the walking village and start up the construction of about 10 cottage/bungalow/forest houses
2. Cultivate the land and grow grapes and have a mini veggie farm, flower farm, and vineyard.
3. Send myself and some friends over to Uganda to pitch in for two months in whatever way we could ACTUALLY help out.
4. Start a business/ girlish and pretty saloon style shop called Hyacinth-Lily which sells flowerbased tonics (non-alcoholic) and cocktails and has pink velvet wallpaper and flower candies and flower drinks of all kinds and even perfume. We would also do weddings and such, but NOT cakes, we would just do the little flower flavored candies that go ON the cakes. And you could get infusions of yin ciao and other herbs that make you feel better in your drinks. It would be like a coffee shop but for flower drinks. There would be old forties style tables and booths and yes you could smoke electronic cigarettes but NOT real kind. We would base the products off the farm at the walking village where we grow our own flowers for the perfumes and candies and drinks. Flavors, lavender, rose, violet, lilac, etc. The shop would be located probably in Nevada City. It would have a pink pool table area for all ages and then further back would be the 21 and over area with the real bar and a stage for shows called the YELLOW ROSE ROOM.
5. Buy a 1980 mint green 4 door Honda Accord like Heather used to have. But with a perfect engine. Art says "from a mexican....."
Art is ready to add some:
4. Pay as many farmers as he can to grow rice and other root based vegetables to help feed the millions of starving peoples of the world because God doesn't give a shit about music or bars or balling but he's pretty bummed that people are hungry.
Which makes Adie want to add one.
6. Adopt 3-5 kids from varying third world countries.
Art wants to add another
Buy a 1962 Jazz bass.??
Buy some toys for Owl and Grabby.
Adies cont....
7. Do a picto documentary about a cross country road trip. SO basically you are video-ing the process of finding the awesomest things in the US to take photos of. Especially of going to places that still don't have DSL and still use old phones and the towns look like the 1970's and there are a lot of fisherman types.
TO BE CONTINUED- everyone add your own ideas please to the comments!
(Ok this paranthesied section is me writing five minutes after originally posting this- I just read Mikie's blog about our family and not having any businesses and I just gots to say.....We're not DEAD yet Mikie! So me and Heather are past our 30's, we still act like kids and feel 24. Part of the problem. But the good thing is.....our lives haven't passed us by! I GUARANTEE you that things will change and we WILL have our own businesses and money and the whole shahbang and that someday we will probably look back and wish for these sweet and funny hardtimes!)
Polly in Petaluma
5 weeks ago
Adie and Art!! You guys have made my morning! I love you guys!!!
Well lets see!? I think my first one would be like Arts. I would give my family millions!!!!!! I hate worrying about them. That would be just about the most awesome thing. Get my brother Alex with some real doctors who could really help him so that maybe he could live with my parents again. Buy land for our huge amazing family. I want to live by you all so bad it just plan old HURTS!!! sucky bucky!
Sounds so lame, but I love this game. All the freedom would be great. Just to be able to really choose what we want. Nothing holding us back -like the lack of money!
i'm with you amy, i love this game. daydreaming is wondeful and i think keeping dreams fresh and alive in our minds makes us more likely to work on making them come true!
addie, your idea about hyacinth-lily and the yellow rose room is my favorite thing. i want to help. i will be your hostess when you have important business meetings.
one thing i would do just for me is rent a tiny hut on an island like guadaloupe for a few months and research and write a novel.
i would get darin all the film and editing equipment he needs and possibly put him through film school IF HE WANTED and then set him and stanny to work making movies and next thing you know, we'll all be at sundance having dinner with andy bernard and michael cera! oh and andy sanburg can join us too!
i would get mikie and jamie vancamp a theater started in the foothills somewhere, an awesome experimental wise and rad playhouse where people can take all kinds of classes in the dramatic arts.
i would of course build our community, with a little farm, and treehouses, and compost and goats and a central open gazebo area for get togethers and communal cooking and sing alongs and puppet shows. we would send out people to poor communities to show them how to start farms and raise a lot of soybeans and stuff like Thoreau in Walden, that you can really live on.
i would adopt some babies. raise them up on the farm with all their cousins running wild and free.
i would have a cat sanctuary. emily would be the head nurse and caregiver. and darin would make a documentary about it. we would only have so many cats that each one got attention and love.
lastly i would open a vegetarian cafe and indie movie theater in placerville. i would put jorden mingle in charge of the cafe so i could take care of all my many other interests.
okay that's enough for now. i better go start doing real work in my real day so i can feel a tiny bit closer to all this!
oh my WORD where do I begin!?
First and foremost, I would build a completely sustainable village as well, where every SINGLE thing there comes from the earth. No chemical man-made medicine allowed, no haters, no animal products whatsoever. Just huts and plants and herbs and love and community, community, community.
I would have a farm with hundreds of rescued animals, and put money into educating the world about human cruelty (both to our animal relatives and our earth), including endorsements for Stanny and Darin to make movie after movie that would change the world.
Everyone would have a job in my village: Heather would be the wise woman, Adie would be the fortune teller, Matt would be the educator, Amy would be the heart and soul, I would be the medicine woman, Joey would be the scholar, Mikie would be the entertainer, darin and stanny would be the observers, Arty would be the judge, Mama would be the caretaker, papa would be the trail guide. And we would all garden together to create every single BIT of food we consume.
Thats the idea I am most excited about. But OF COURSE I would travel the world seeking and spreading love and truth, I would SOOO BE INTO HEATHER'S CAT SANCTUARY AND ADIES HYACINTH-LILY!
Man, it seems like together we could create our own little perfect world.
OK dudes. You got me interested.
15 million dollars, hm? Untaxed?
Excellent. I'll go too:
First and foremost, I'd pay off my own student loans and then I'd give Justin the 150k he needs to pay off his. Without looking, both those things.
Second, I'd put aside a significant chunk as savings to pay for any masters/PhD work I'd want to end up doing in the future.
Third, I'd take Candice and travel through the world. I'd see the Europe loop like everyone else, I'd adventure through Southeast Asia, I'd stand beneath the Great Pyramids of Giza and go see all of Egypt, I'd spend a great deal of time in Africa actually.
Fourth (well maybe third), I'd put money a large amount of down on a house for mom. If it could be the house up the hill by the city park, I'd be pleased. I'd help organize her mortgage so that she still needed to work...2-3 days a week.
Fifth, I'd buy dad an older Truck (with a rebuilt engine). Preferably it'd be a Toyota Tacoma or something a little bit newer than the classic boxy trucks that are becoming antiques. I'd also spot Dad some bucks to take an extended vacation from his job and visit his Dad's and Grandpa's roots in Turlock and then the Phillipines. And then Candice and I would meet up with him overseas.
Sixth, I'd open two small business. They would be a bar/restaurant with Candice and a production company with whomever I could get together to participate. The production company would be my lovechild and I'd purchase enough stuff to keep it useful even if I eventually run out of ideas.
Seventh, I'd invest a good deal of time and energy making significant friends in Los Angeles and New York so that eventually I could use my production company to turn out my own hilarious and relevant talk/comedy show akin to SNL and John Stewart to bring hope and joy into the homes of the Globe through television and the internet.
Eighth, I'd invest in the best healthcare in the world - so that I can keep living out my dreams without worrying.
Ninth, well, you could probably guess what this one would be..
OK, so I just did the math and determined I'd still have about thirteen million, three hundred-thousand dollars left.
I guess that means I'd finally have to buy a piece of property in California - Northern, and turn it into an estate to raise a happy and wonderful family, have animals and wildlife, land for 4x4 romping, trails and a lake for biking, walking, climbing and swimming. The estate will also be home to a production studio where I can make more dreams come true, right in my own backyard. George Lucas had a similar vision, and it worked seemed to work well.
One Leftover Maybe, purchase property and invest in a Ski Resort in Idaho.
this is a great idea. how fun is this fantasy.
well. ill number the things id do.
1) i would buy a large piece of land and leave it alone as much as possible, other than build a humble home for myself and emily and everyone else who wants. it would be in montana. all the land would be left alone, as in no development of any kind, but we would all be allowed to roam and exlore and camp to our hearts content. lots of wildlife. no hunting.
2) the previous one goes hand in hand with our communal village, which i would fund with a few of my millions. my land would exist on the outskirts of the village.
3) buy some sweet amps and guitars.
4) another addition to my land would be a cabin studio for recording and artistic creation altogether. surrounded by woods.
5) go to siberia and explore. climb mountains there and admire the vastness.
6) go to japan and china.
7) buy a new bicycle.
8) hike the appalachian trail and the pacific crest trail.
9) make some films. buy nice camera equipment for stan and darin.
10) pay off everyones crappy debts.
11) buy emily a pottery wheel and firing kiln.
12) lots of other awesome stuff.
Maybe I'm the least inventive of the bunch. I'm last, and my list won't be as comprehensive. You guys have got it all covered! Here it is in a nutshell.
--Pay off all our debt. "Our" meaning all of us.
--Be part of the land, as in "owning" some and making it our home, our community, our village. Pretty much everything all of you have already covered.
--Part of our livelihood/village would be separate creative realms, like a darkroom, pottery room, weaving/knitting/sewing nook, large large library, recording studio + practice space, art and painting and craftmaking location, film studios as we see fit. All of that stuff, very essential, replete with good, working equipment. Plus chicken coops and barns and free-roaming animals.
--Get some humble cabins in beautiful areas. Just the bare essentials--shelter. Not necessarily tourist locations, but places we could access: oceanside, mountains, plains, canyons, everywhere and anywhere so we can roam and scavenge and range the earth entire.
As we all know, money isn't everything. So I don't think life would be better in this scenario. Also, I think everyone would need to continue "working"--doing that which they love, to create and share and still bring in some funds, at least trade, so that a fundamental economy (perhaps a gift economy? too ideal maybe) would exist, and we'd find fulfillment in our sharing and influencing. Not 9 to 5 work, but productivity, not slothfulness, helping to make our contributions more purposeful to us. That's what all our creative realms could be for!
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